Paper Submission Guidelines

1. Originality of manuscript

A) Copyright compliance

  1. Obey the IEICE Provisions on Copyright.
  2. Do not submit content identical or extremely similar to material that has already appeared under the name of another author(s). Do not reproduce copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder.
  3. Even if you are the author(s) of a manuscript, do not submit it if copyright problems exist, for example, if the copyright is held by a body other than the IEICE and cannot be transferred to the IEICE.
  4. In cases deemed to comprise plagiarism, penalties identical to those assessed in the event of duplicate submission shall be applied.

B) No duplicate submissions

If a submitted material satisfies the following conditions (1) or (2) and the materials in the corresponding condition share at least one author, APMC 2022 will consider the material submission as "DUPLICATE SUBMISSION" even if it does not violate "Copyright Compliance". APMC 2022 does not care about its written language, but cares about semantic-content similarity.

  1. A material submitted to APMC 2022 is identical or extremely similar to a material that has already appeared or is under review in any journal or elsewhere.
  2. A material submitted to any journal or elsewhere is identical or extremely similar to a material that has already appeared or is under review in APMC 2022.

Here, "under review" means the state from its submission either to publication, to rejection or to withdrawal. Notwithstanding the above, a submission will not be treated as a duplicate submission if every such material in the above conditions is applicable to at least one of the following conditions from (a) to (e).

  1. a patent publication gazette or the like
  2. a university undergraduate thesis, masters' thesis, doctoral thesis, technical report, etc.
  3. a book, a corporate technical journal or bulletin etc.
  4. a newspaper article or the like
  5. a preprint server of a highly public nature, an author's own home page or the like

Note that refereed materials among the above (a) to (e) should be cited in submitted material as references. When an author reuses text, figures, tables, photographs, or other graphics from his/her own previously published material, the author shall:

  1. clearly indicate all reused material and provide a full reference to the original publication of the material and
  2. if the previously published material is used as a basis for a new submission, clearly indicate how the new submission differs from the previously published work(s).

2. Manuscript related to Military Technologies

We do not accept any submission of the manuscript directly related to military technologies, such as weaponry itself.

3. Protection of Personal Information

Sufficient care should be exercised when submitting a manuscript bearing personal data such as photographs or names to the transactions. If necessary, written permission should be obtained from the individual concerned.

4. Ethical considerations in research involving human subjects

The author(s) should obtain approval for research related to the life or living organism of the participant from the ethics committee within the author's institution or the equivalent organization. However, if the author group belongs to multiple institutions, it is sufficient to obtain approval from at least one institution.

5. Withdraw submission:

Authors should not withdraw their submitted papers because the withdrawal wastes voluntary works devoted by reviewers and technical program committee members. But, we accept the withdrawal of a submitted paper if authors have unavoidable reasons. Authors must follow the procedures shown below when they withdraw their submitted papers.

  1. Authors must send a withdraw request letter by e-mail with its scanned PDF file to the APMC 2022 Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chair before the notification of acceptance for publication. The withdraw request letter must include the following information.
    1. Paper number
    2. Paper title
    3. Authors names
    4. Reason why the paper must be withdrawn
    5. Date and signatures of all the authors (or signature of the contact author)
    If only the contact author signs the letter, he/she must obtain the agreement of the withdrawal from all the other authors and the letter must include the description that all the other authors agreed the withdrawal.
  2. After the paper is accepted for publication, the withdrawal is not permitted in principle. The authors must always pay the registration fee even if the withdrawal is permitted. Moreover, in the case where the manuscript has already been published in conference proceedings or the technical program including advance program has already been available on the website, a notice that announces the cancellation of the paper is published together with the indication of the cancellation on the website of APMC 2022.
  3. The APMC 2022 decides whether the withdrawal is allowable or not. The APMC 2022 will send the authors the decision. If the authors don't receive any reply from the APMC 2022, they must send an inquiry about the withdrawal to the APMC 2022 Secretariat.
  4. The date of the withdrawal is given in the permission.
  5. Any request of withdrawal that does not follow the above procedure is treated as invalid.

6. Privacy

The APMC National Committee collects personal information of authors when they submit manuscripts to APMC 2022. The APMC National Committee may use collected personal information only in the activities for improving its publishing services and providing authors with further benefits. Examples of such activity are statistical analysis of submission, e-mail alerting of the latest updates, requests for comments and suggestions to the APMC/MWE services. Authors' personal identifiable information will not be disclosed unless the law requires it. The APMC National Committee may share aggregated information with partners.