Greetings from the Steering Committee Chair

The spread of COVID-19 over the past few years shows no signs of ending. APMC, our annual international conference has also been greatly affected. At APMC2020 Hong Kong, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out just before the conference, and the conference had to be held virtually online. At APMC2021 Brisbane, the local organizing committee tried to find a way to hold the conference on-site, but was also forced to held completely online. In such a difficult situation, the local committees worked hard to find the best way forward, respectively. They fulfilled their important mission of holding the APMC somewhere in Asia-Pacific every year. APMC has been going on without a break since 1986. We would like to express our respect especially for the efforts of the two local committees.
Now, it is our turn this year. The situation about COVID-19 is getting worse, but there are many things that we have learned. Needless to say, we have to assess the future situation and make a decision according to that. But now, we are preparing a hybrid meeting available for both the on-site and remote participants.
Microwave engineers are constantly researching ways to provide the benefits of microwave technology to meet the needs of people around the world. The APMC we are aiming for is a gathering of like-minded engineers who share their ideas and thoughts, and gain motivation for friendly competition. While some of that can be done in online meetings, there are some areas where face-to-face discussions will be more effective.
Therefore, it is a very important "challenge" in this situation to try to make the meeting not only online but also on-site. For those who have participated in the APMC every year, as well as for those who will make a leap forward as a global microwave engineer, we would like to invite you to APMC 2022. I hope you will consider participating in our APMC.
Yokohama, the host city of APMC 2022, has a long history that has played an important role as a gateway to the world for modern Japan.
In Japan, the administrative base was moved to Tokyo in the 17th century, and the people enjoyed a stable Edo period for two hundred years. However, there was a time when the ordinary people who lived there were restricted from interacting with foreign countries and did not have a sense of internationalism. In the latter half of the 19th century, the need arose to break out of the situation that had kept the country closed and to get along well with foreigners. Yokohama was built for this purpose.
Although the reasons are different, the current situation where it is difficult to interact with people from overseas is similar to the situation when Yokohama was born.
All of us, the steering committee, will make every effort to carefully assess the situation, take necessary safety measures, and provide a venue for meaningful discussions for the development of microwave engineering. We hope you will consider joining us at APMC2022.
Yoshinori Kogami
APMC 2022 Steering Committee Chair
Message from the Technical Program Committee Chair

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee (TPC), I would like to announce the technical program for the 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2022). The APMC 2022 has attracted 460 paper submissions from 40 countries/regions all over the world and has accepted 321 papers. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the authors for submitting their excellent papers to APMC 2022, even in a difficult situation caused by Covid-19. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to reviewers, technical paper review subcommittee chairs, and TPC members for their enthusiasm and dedication to develop an outstanding technical program. The APMC 2022 offers 48 technical sessions in 6 tracks, focusing on new trends of microwave theory and technologies including active and passive components, antenna design, wireless power transfer, millimeter-wave/terahertz-wave techniques, radar, and sensing for various wireless applications.
On the first day, the APMC 2022 starts with 6 workshops and 4 short courses in the focused areas of the next-generation wireless communications and their state-of-the-art techniques. Following three days provide 7 special sessions and 41 oral sessions including 12 invited talks and 5 special talks by distinguished speakers. These oral sessions are held in the hybrid format for both in-person and virtual attendees to make discussions and communications with each other. In the APMC 2022, a new Virtual Interactive Forum is introduced, which is a virtual session to make a fruitful technical discussion in an online platform. The two poster sessions (in-person interactive forum) are also held at the conference venue. I believe that this "new normal" hybrid conference maximizes opportunities for all the attendees to share their ideas and knowledge with microwave community.
The APMC 2022 opening session, which is scheduled in the afternoon on the second day, includes two keynote addresses to open up a new electromagnetic frontier: "Will Terahertz Communication Change the World?" by Prof. Minoru Fujishima, Hiroshima University, Japan, and "Bioelectromagnetics: Human Safety and Device Performance Evaluation" by Prof. Akimasa Hirata, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. On the third day, student and young engineer design competitions (SDC) are held to encourage future microwave engineers. The SDC consists of three competition tracks: amplifier design, bandpass filter design, and video competition on wireless power transfer. Recent leading activities within European region are presented at a collaborative special session with the European Microwave Association. On the fourth day, a special session for Young Professionals (YP) is held with a special talk. This YP session provides an opportunity for undergraduate students and high school students to attend the APMC for the first time and present their activities on microwaves. A special session of Women in Engineering/Women in Microwaves is also scheduled to highlight women's great initiatives in Asia-Pacific regions. A memorial session is dedicated to the career and memory of Prof. Tatsuo Itoh.
The APMC 2022 Award Ceremony is held on the last day for celebrating awardees of the APMC 2022 Prize and the APMC 2022 Student Prize. In addition, the APMC 2022 Young Industrial Engineer Award, which is a special award organized by the APMC 2022 Steering Committee Chair, is given industrial young engineers who made outstanding technical contributions.
We hope you enjoy the APMC 2022 technical program and looking forward to meeting you at APMC 2022 in both in-person and virtual formats.
Masataka Ohira
APMC 2022 Technical Program Committee Chair