APMC 2018 Financial Support Program
Financial Support Application CLOSED
The APMC 2018 Steering Committee allocates funds to support authors from the countries EXCEPT G20 or OECD members, who will present their papers at the APMC 2018. The specified countries are indicated at the bottom of this page.
Eligibility and Requirements
In order to be eligible, an applicant must satisfy the following criteria:
- Applicant must belong to any affiliations of the specified countries.
- Applicant must be the first author of an accepted paper to be presented at the conference.
- Applicant must register him/herself to the conference with the payment of the Registration Fee completed by August 31, 2018.
(*The Registration Fee will be reimbursed at the conference venue.)
(*The on-line APMC 2018 Registration System will open on August 10, 2018.)- Applicant must participate in the conference and be the presenter of the paper.
The recipients of the support will each receive the "reimbursement of the Registration Fee" and "a travel support up to 50,000 Japanese yen (JPY)", both in cash, at the time they arrive at the conference venue.
The amount of the travel support for each recipient, however, might be reduced in case the number of applicants exceeds our budget.
Application procedures
- Submit a technical paper to APMC 2018.
- Download the application form on the website.
- Fill in the form with your signature and convert it into a PDF file.
- Send the PDF file to psub
apmc2018.org with the subject "APMC 2018: Application for Support Program".
Deadline has been extended! 11:59 PM, June 2, 2018 [Hawaii time]
(same as the paper submission deadline)
May 19, 2018 [Hawaii time] (same as the paper submission deadline)
The selected recipients of the support program will receive a notification in the letter of acceptance/rejection to be sent on August 10, 2018.
Additional information and contact
Prof. Atsushi Sanada, Chair of the APMC 2018 Technical Program Committee
Email: tpcchairapmc2018.org
# The specified countries: all the countries EXCEPT G20 or OECD members.
For your reference, G20 and OECD members are listed below.
G20 members:
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, UK, US.
OECD members:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, US.
*You cannot apply for the support program if you are from an organization in the countries listed above.