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- Nov. 29 (Wed)
Workshop Program
Nov. 29 (Wed)
WE1A Opening Ceremony
Nov. 29 (Wed) 10:00-10:10 Room 1+2 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
Welcome Message from the Steering Committee Chair
Kenjiro Nishikawa (Kagoshima Univ.)A [ 5G / 6G ]
WE1A Keynote Address 1
Nov. 29 (Wed) 10:15-11:05 Room 1+2 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
Trends in Radio Frequency Policies in Japan
Yuji Nakamura (Director of Radio Policy Division, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
Against the background of rapidly increasing demand for the use of radio waves, this lecture introduces the latest trends in radio frequency policies, including the rollout of new systems promoting the more efficient use of radio waves.
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A [ 5G / 6G ] E [ Future and/or Fundamental Technologies ]
WE1A Keynote Address 2
Nov. 29 (Wed) 11:10-12:00 Room 1+2 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
Next-Generation 3D Spatial Cellular Configuration Integrated HAPS and Beyond 5G/6G in Mobile Communication
Teruya Fujii (Specially Appointed Professor, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Fellow, SoftBank Corp.)
In this presentation, a three-dimensional spatial cellular configuration will be described as a next-generation mobile communication system that integrates the HAPS cellular system and the terrestrial cellular system such as Beyond 5G/6G to realize the same frequency from the ground to the sky.
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A [ 5G / 6G ] B [ Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz-Wave ]
WE1B Workshop
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 1+2 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
REAL Base Station and Related Device Techniques for 5G and Beyond 5G mm-Wave Systems
Organizer / Chair : Kazuya Yamamoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Kenjiro Nishikawa (Kagoshima Univ.)
More than three years have passed since 5G services started in several country's carriers. 5G sub-6 GHz services, so-called FR1 services, are rapidly becoming popular in cellular communications. However, 5G mm-wave services, so-called FR2 (28 to 39GHz) services have NOT been popular still now. From a viewpoint of device technology, in the sub-6GHz base stations, GaN HEMTs are becoming a main player for higher efficiency operation, compared to Si-LDMOS. In contrast, in the mm-wave base stations, Si-based transistors, such as SiGe HBT and SOI-CMOS, contribute to the realization of most of the real FR2 systems. This workshop will introduce REAL base station techniques and their supporting REAL device techniques for 5G and beyond 5G mm-wave systems. The feature of this workshop is that the latest information of not only Si-based MIMO and related devices but also GaN-based MIMO and related devices is given at a time.
The workshop attendees, therefore, will be able to learn and understand a variety of technical issues, their countermeasures, and the latest results related to base station transmitters and devices of 5G FR2 at a time. Thus, it is expected that this workshop will be very useful for 5G amplifier designers; students, beginners, or less-experienced circuit/device designers as well as experienced designers engaged in circuit- and device-suppliers for use in 5G and beyond 5G systems.
Keyword : 5G, Beyond 5G, mm-Wave, Market, MIMO, BTS, GaN, Power Amplifier
The workshop attendees, therefore, will be able to learn and understand a variety of technical issues, their countermeasures, and the latest results related to base station transmitters and devices of 5G FR2 at a time. Thus, it is expected that this workshop will be very useful for 5G amplifier designers; students, beginners, or less-experienced circuit/device designers as well as experienced designers engaged in circuit- and device-suppliers for use in 5G and beyond 5G systems.
Keyword : 5G, Beyond 5G, mm-Wave, Market, MIMO, BTS, GaN, Power Amplifier
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- 1 5G and Beyond 5G mm-Wave Trend and Related Technical Requirements
- Yasunori Suzuki (NTT DOCOMO Inc.)
- 2 Millimeter-Wave Collocated- and Distributed- Massive-MIMO, their Spatial Division Multiplex Selectivity and Energy Efficiency
- Tomoya Kanako, Noriaki Tawa, Toshihide Kuwabara, Yasushi Maruta (NEC Corp.)
- 3 Advanced Millimeter-Wave GaN Power Amplifiers for BTS
- Takuma Torii, Keigo Nakatani, Yutaro Yamaguchi, Shintaro Shinjo (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
A [ 5G / 6G ] C [ IoT / Society 5.0 ]
WE3B Workshop
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 3 (Annex Hall F203)
High-Precision Space-Time Synchronization Technology "Wi-Wi" : Recent Trends of Communication and Robotics Applications for Beyond 5G Era
Organizer / Chair : Suguru Kameda (Hiroshima Univ.), Kenichi Takizawa (NICT)
High-precision space-time synchronization technology that can be used anywhere is one of the fundamental technologies essential for the realization of beyond 5G and cyber-physical systems, and has attracted a lot of interest. Especially, for indoor applications, the lack of practical solutions for high-precision space-time synchronization methods could bottleneck these developments.
In this workshop, we will introduce the latest technology of NICT's pioneering "Wireless Two-Way Interferometry (Wi-Wi)", including the development of compact devices with providing picosecond jitter and their applications. This workshop will cover a comprehensive range of topics from components to applications: high-performance crystal oscillators, bounded-delay communication, and robot position estimation.
Keyword : Space-time Synchronization, Wireless Two-Way Interferometry (Wi-Wi), Beyond 5G,Cyber-Physical System, Crystal Oscillator, Bounded Delay, Robot Control
In this workshop, we will introduce the latest technology of NICT's pioneering "Wireless Two-Way Interferometry (Wi-Wi)", including the development of compact devices with providing picosecond jitter and their applications. This workshop will cover a comprehensive range of topics from components to applications: high-performance crystal oscillators, bounded-delay communication, and robot position estimation.
Keyword : Space-time Synchronization, Wireless Two-Way Interferometry (Wi-Wi), Beyond 5G,Cyber-Physical System, Crystal Oscillator, Bounded Delay, Robot Control
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- 1 Introduction to Wireless Two-Way Interferometry (Wi-Wi) — Enabler of Space-Time Synchronization —
- Satoshi Yasuda, Nobuyasu Shiga (NICT)
- 2 The High Short Term Frequency Stability Digitally Controlled X’tal Oscillator with Small Size and Low Power Consumption — For the Post 5G Era —
- Kotaro Hayashi, Yuichi Yokozeki, Hiroyasu Kunitomo, Takashi Matsumoto, Kazuo Akaike, Shunichi Wakamatsu (Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd.)
- 3 Delay Bounded Optical Communication Network Based on Precision Time Synchronization
- Tsuguo Hattori (The Univ. of Tokyo), Nobuyasu Shiga, Satoshi Yasuda, Kenichi Takizawa (NICT), Takatomo Mihana, Ryoichi Horisaki, Makoto Naruse (The Univ. of Tokyo)
- 4 Simultaneous Localization of Mobile Robots and Fixed Bases Using Wireless Two-Way Interferometry (Wi-Wi)
- Takaaki Nara, Yoshito Okada, Shotaro Kojima, Kazunori Ohno (Tohoku Univ.), Nobuyasu Shiga, Satoshi Yasuda, Kenichi Takizawa (NICT), Satoshi Tadokoro (Tohoku Univ.)
D [ Wireless Power Transmission and Microwave Heating ]
WE4B Workshop
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 4 (Annex Hall F204)
Microwave Technology for Carbon Neutrality Applied to Materials Industry
Organizers : Satoshi Fujii (NIMS)Chair : Koji Yamanaka (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
The Japanese government has stated its goal of becoming a carbon-neutral, decarbonized society by reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. The industrial sector accounts for 46% of Japan's total energy consumption, and approximately 80% of this is accounted for by the materials manufacturing industry, including steel, chemicals, and ceramics. Therefore, microwave-band electromagnetic waves, which can directly supply energy to chemical reaction fields, are attracting attention. Microwave chemistry is expected to be an energy-saving technology for materials manufacturing because of its features such as high reaction speed, selective heating, and low reaction temperature. However, there are issues of large-scale microwave heating and commercialization, as well as the need for evaluation as a lifecycle.
Therefore, this workshop will introduce high-frequency heating including microwave band and its latest technologies in actual manufacturing sites.
Keyword : Microwave Technology, Microwave Chemistry, Microwave Process, Carbon Neutrality
Therefore, this workshop will introduce high-frequency heating including microwave band and its latest technologies in actual manufacturing sites.
Keyword : Microwave Technology, Microwave Chemistry, Microwave Process, Carbon Neutrality
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- 1 An Example of Social Implementation of Microwave Heating Technology Compatible with IEC TC-27
- Mutsumi Yoshida (Fuji Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd.)
- 2 A Distributed Recycling System by Microwave Processes
- Shoki Kosai, Shunsuke Kashiwakura, Eiji Yamasue (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
- 3 Microwave Heating of Material Processing for Industrial Electrification and Their Advantages
- Keiichiro Kashimura (Chubu Univ.)
- 4 High Value-Added Metal Smelting by Microwave Chemistry —Challenge to Social Implementation of Microwave Chemistry—
- Satoshi Fujii, Jun Fukushima, Yuya Okawa, Tomoaki Miyazawa (NIMS)
D [ Wireless Power Transmission and Microwave Heating ]
WE5B Workshop
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 5 (Annex Hall F205)
Wireless Power Transmission Technology Pioneering Frontiers in Sea, Sky, and Space
Organizers : Takayuki Matsumuro (ATR)Chair : Toshio Ishizaki (Ryukoku Univ.)
Humanity has expanded its sphere of activity along with advances in science and technology. Wireless power technology is expected to revolutionize energy supply, making our lives more convenient and comfortable, as well as playing a significant role in unexplored areas such as the sea, sky, and space. This workshop will cover the latest technologies for wireless power transfer to advanced vehicles using magnetic field coupling, electric field coupling, and spatial transmission. The status of research and development towards the realization of space solar power systems, the ultimate form of wireless power technology, will also be presented.
Keyword : Wireless power transfer, Magnetic field coupling, Electric field coupling, Beam forming, Underwater vehicles, Aerial vehicles, Satellites
Keyword : Wireless power transfer, Magnetic field coupling, Electric field coupling, Beam forming, Underwater vehicles, Aerial vehicles, Satellites
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- 1 Position-Free Magnetic Field Coupling Wireless Power Transfer Technology for Underwater Vehicles
- Ryosuke Hasaba (Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.),Yoshio Koyanagi (Panasonic System Networks R&D Lab. Co., Ltd.)
- 2 750W Inductive Charger for UAV with Low-Profile Charging Port
- Shuichi Obayashi (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corp.)
- 3 Capasitive Wireless Power Transfer Technology to Enable Automatic Drone Charging System
- Ryosuke Horio (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
- 4 Wireless Power Transfer Technology for Flying Drone by Air-Core Beam
- Takayuki Matsumuro (ATR)
- 5 Development of Beam Wireless Power Transfer Technology and Satellite Experiment for Solar Power Satellite
- Naoki Shinohara (Kyoto Univ.)
F [ Tutorial / Getting Started / Incubation ]
WE6B Tutorial
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 6 (Annex Hall F206)
Introduction to the Design of Wideband Microwave Filters: Fundamentals, Design Examples and Multiplexer Applications
Organizer / Chair : Tamio Kawaguchi (Toshiba Corp.)
Microwave and millimeter-wave filters are one of the indispensable components in wireless communication systems, and various design and realization methods have been proposed for a long time. In this basic course, for beginner students and working people, we will introduce the basics of design methods and application examples of wideband microwave filters for next-generation wireless communication systems. The lecture will cover the design of ultra-wideband (UWB) filters with specific bandwidths exceeding tens of percent, wideband filters for 5G/Beyond 5G, and single-band, dual-band, quasi-millimeter-wave-band printed-circuit-board and multilayer wideband filters, as well as their applications in multiplexers.
Keyword : Wideband Filter, Single Band Type, Dual Band Type,Quasi-Millimeter Wave Type,Multiplexer
Keyword : Wideband Filter, Single Band Type, Dual Band Type,Quasi-Millimeter Wave Type,Multiplexer
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- 1 Wideband Filters and Their Application to Multiplexers
- Koji Wada (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)
F [ Tutorial / Getting Started / Incubation ]
WE7B Incubation Course
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-15:30 Room 7 (Exhibition Hall Workshop Space)