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- Nov. 29 (Wed)
Workshop Program
Nov. 29 (Wed)
WE1A Opening Ceremony
Nov. 29 (Wed), 10:00-10:10 Room 1 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
Welcome Message from the Steering Committee Chair
Shoichi Narahashi (Setsunan Univ.)A [ 5G : Understanding from Basics to Cutting Edge of 5G ]
WE1A Keynote Address 1
Nov. 29 (Wed) 10:15-11:05 Room 1 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
The Latest Radio Frequency Administration in Japan
Masatoshi Nozaki (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
For this reason, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications promotes research and development of new wireless communication systems such as 5G, 4K, 8K, IoT and others that contribute to the effective use of radio frequency, accurately grasps the radio frequency usage situation and creates new innovation, We are implementing various efforts to secure the frequencies necessary for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. In this presentation, we will introduce the latest radio frequency administration.
→ * You can read the trial of digest (PDF)
D [ Microwave Technologies for Automotive Applications ]
WE1A Keynote Address 2
Nov. 29 (Wed) 11:10-12:00 Room 1 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
VaaSI; Vehicle as a Social Infrastructure
Yuji Inoue (Toyota Info-Technology Co., Ltd.)
→ * You can read the trial of digest (PDF)
A [ 5G : Understanding from Basics to Cutting Edge of 5G ]
WE1B Special Session
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 1 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
System Trials toward Actualization of 5th Generation Mobile Communication System 5G
Organizers : Kohei Satoh (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)),Yukihiko Okumura* (NTT DOCOMO, INC.)
Chair : Fumiyuki Adachi (Tohoku Univ.)
*5G Trial Promotion Group Leader, the Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF)
The 5th generation mobile communication system 5G is a next generation mobile communication system having features such as
"ultra-high speed/large capacity", "large number of connections", "ultra-low latency" etc.,
which further developed the existing system. It is expected that 5G will be realized as an ICT base of the advanced information society at an early stage.
In recent years, in Japan, activities related to research and development and international standardization of technologies and functions supporting 5G,
such as radio access network technologies and others, are rapidly accelerating toward the actualization of 5G in 2020.
From this fiscal year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) "5G system trials" has been started,
and many stakeholders in various utilization fields participate in the trials as well as those related to the mobile communications
industry to create a new market through actualization of 5G.
In this session, following the introduction of the overview of 5G system trials by the MIC, each domestic mobile communication operator promoting the system trial will introduce the content and plan of each trial.
Keyword : 5G,Mobile Communication,System Trial,Various Use Cases
In this session, following the introduction of the overview of 5G system trials by the MIC, each domestic mobile communication operator promoting the system trial will introduce the content and plan of each trial.
Keyword : 5G,Mobile Communication,System Trial,Various Use Cases
→ * You can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Overview of 5G System Trials in Japan (Tentative)
- Takuya Nakagawa (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
- 2 5G System Trial by NTT DOCOMO and Partners (Tentative)
- Yukihiko Okumura (NTT DOCOMO, INC.), Masanori Ichinose (NTT Communications)
- 3 5G System Trial by KDDI and Partners (Tentative)
- Akira Matsunaga (KDDI Corp.), Masaya Yamada (ATR)
- 4 5G System Trial by SoftBank and Partners (Tentative)
- Hitoshi Yoshino (Softbank Corp.), Kentaro Ishizu (NICT)
F [ Emerging Technologies on Microwave and Millimeter-Wave ]
WE2B Workshop
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 2 (Annex Hall F203)
Challenge to Frontier, Recent Trends of Space Exploration and Space Business
Organizer / Chair : Shigeo Kawasaki (JAXA), Takana Kaho (NTT)
Aerospace research and development have become active globally in recent years. As the latest efforts of space
development in Japan, this workshop introduces the following three.
First, the mission, development and inflight status of the JAXA's asteroid sample return mission "Hayabusa2" is presented. Some up-to-date interplanetary communication technologies aboard Hayabusa2 such as the Ka-band system and the DDOR (Delta Differential One-way Range)technique are also covered in this talk.
Nest, we will describe an overview of the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) telescope including the latest observation results and the receiver technologies which enables the high sensitivity observations. We also present future upgrade plans and the current status of R&D such as a multi-beam receiver and ultra-wideband receiver.
Finally, micro satellites, which started as academic tools for space science and engineering, are evolving rapidly and playing important roles in recent new space business. In this presentation, progress in micro satellites and trends in new space business will be introduced.
Keyword : Hayabusa2, Space Probe, ALMA, Superconducting Receiver, Micro Satellites, New Space
First, the mission, development and inflight status of the JAXA's asteroid sample return mission "Hayabusa2" is presented. Some up-to-date interplanetary communication technologies aboard Hayabusa2 such as the Ka-band system and the DDOR (Delta Differential One-way Range)technique are also covered in this talk.
Nest, we will describe an overview of the ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) telescope including the latest observation results and the receiver technologies which enables the high sensitivity observations. We also present future upgrade plans and the current status of R&D such as a multi-beam receiver and ultra-wideband receiver.
Finally, micro satellites, which started as academic tools for space science and engineering, are evolving rapidly and playing important roles in recent new space business. In this presentation, progress in micro satellites and trends in new space business will be introduced.
Keyword : Hayabusa2, Space Probe, ALMA, Superconducting Receiver, Micro Satellites, New Space
* When you click on the title, you can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Asteroid Explorer Hayabusa2 - Its Mission and Communication Technology -
- Yuichi Tsuda (JAXA)
- 2 Millimeter/Submillimeter Receiver Technologies Supporting the ALMA Telescope and the Future Development
- Takafumi Kojima, ALMA Receiver Frontend Group (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan),
Yoshinori Uzawa (NICT)
- 3 Evolution of Micro Satellites and New Space Business
- Takashi Eishima (Axelspace)
G [ Tutorials : From Beginner to Professionals ]
WE3B Tutorial
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 3 (Annex Hall F204)
Fundamentals and Vital Points of Microwave Filter for Students and Young Engineers
Organizers : Koji Wada (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)Chair : Kosei Tanii (National Institute of Technology, Kisarazu College)
In the era of significant change throughout society, passive circuits including microwave filters have
played main role in wireless communication systems using radio waves. In next generation of wireless communication systems such as 5G,
it is inevitable to raise operational frequency adding to demands for low loss characteristics and miniaturization of passive circuits.
In this session, required fundamentals and vital points for design, simulation and fabrication are described based on microwave planar filter. Moreover, cautious technical points to realize compact microwave filter in the case of higher frequency are introduced.
Keyword : Planar Filter, Circuit and Pat tern Design, Circuit and Electromagnetic Simulation, Copper Foil and Materials for PCB
In this session, required fundamentals and vital points for design, simulation and fabrication are described based on microwave planar filter. Moreover, cautious technical points to realize compact microwave filter in the case of higher frequency are introduced.
Keyword : Planar Filter, Circuit and Pat tern Design, Circuit and Electromagnetic Simulation, Copper Foil and Materials for PCB
* When you click on the title, you can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Fundamentals and Vital Points for Miniaturization of Planar Filter
- Koji Wada, Satoshi Ono (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)
- 2 Fundamentals and Vital Points of Planar Filter in the Case of Higher Frequency
- Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)
F [ Emerging Technologies on Microwave and Millimeter-Wave ]
WE4B Workshop
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 4 (Annex Hall F205)
Recent Progress on Electromagnetic Metamaterials Technologies in the Microwave Region Up to Terahertz Frequencies
Organizer / Chair : Tetsuya Ueda (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Metamaterials are artificial materials which are composed of small elements compared to the wavelength,
and macroscopic constitutive parameters are manipulated and designed in order to discover new phenomena of
wave propagation and to invent state-of-the-art functional circuits/devices.
It has been more than 15 years since the concept first appeared. The research area is not limited to
electromagnetic waves and recently metamaterials have been applied to acoustic, sound, water waves as well as quantum waves.
In this workshop, we will review original electromagnetic metamaterials and their applications, focusing on transformation electromagnetics, applications to low-profile antennas, meta-surfaces, absorbers, and terahertz devices. The recent progress with cutting edge technologies in the microwave region up to terahertz frequencies will be shown.
Keyword : Metamaterials, Low-Profile Antennas, Meta-Surfaces, Absorbers, Terahertz Devices
In this workshop, we will review original electromagnetic metamaterials and their applications, focusing on transformation electromagnetics, applications to low-profile antennas, meta-surfaces, absorbers, and terahertz devices. The recent progress with cutting edge technologies in the microwave region up to terahertz frequencies will be shown.
Keyword : Metamaterials, Low-Profile Antennas, Meta-Surfaces, Absorbers, Terahertz Devices
* When you click on the title, you can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Recent Advancement of Metamaterials
- Atsushi Sanada, Nakabayashi Yoshiki, Ishii Katsuhiro, Yuma Takano (Osaka Univ.)
- 3 Metasurfaces for Antennas and Wave Absorber Applications
- Naobumi Michishita (National Defense Academy)
- 4 Exploration and Terahertz Applications of Materials with Extremely High Refractive Indices
- Takehito Suzuki (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology),
Kazuhisa Watai, Masashi Sekiya (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech., Ibaraki Univ.)
B [ Microwave Chemistry and Wireless Power Transmission Related Technologies ] /
F [ Emerging Technologies on Microwave and Millimeter-Wave ]
F [ Emerging Technologies on Microwave and Millimeter-Wave ]
WE5B Workshop
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 5 (Annex Hall F206)
Industrial Process Revolution by Microwave Chemistry
Organizers : Shuntaro Tsubaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kazuhiro Iyomasa (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)Chair : Yuji Wada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
In this workshop, potentials of microwave application to chemical, automobile and steel industries
will be discussed in a panel discussion format by experts from microwave chemistry and related fields.
We will discuss the new markets which will be opened up by the development of microwave chemistry and the new demands for microwave devices from each industry.
Keyword : Microwave Chemistry, Microwave Iron Manufacture, Microwave Industrial Applications
We will discuss the new markets which will be opened up by the development of microwave chemistry and the new demands for microwave devices from each industry.
Keyword : Microwave Chemistry, Microwave Iron Manufacture, Microwave Industrial Applications
* When you click on the title, you can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Overview by Demonstrating an example of "Small-size Smelting Processes of Rare Metals Enabled by Microwaves"
- Yuji Wada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 2 Synthesis of Inorganic Materials under Microwave Irradiation
- Hirotsugu Takizawa (Tohoku Univ.)
- 3 Ironmaking Using Microwave
- Kazuhiro Nagata (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 4 Characteristics of Microwave Heating and Applications to Automotive Field
- Hideoki Fukushima (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
- 5 Development of New Chemical Reactor Using Solid State Microwave Device and Requests for Microwave Components
- Masaki Nishioka (AIST)
- 6 Technical Trend and Future of GaN PA for Microwave Heating
- Toshio Ishizaki (Ryukoku Univ.)
E [ Measurement and Simulation Techniques ]
WE6B Special Session
Nov. 29 (Wed) 14:00-15:30 Room 6 (Exhibition Hall Workshop Space)
Recent Progress and Actual Design Example of Device, Optical and Microwave Simulation Technologies
Organizers : MWE 2017 Exhibition CommitteeChair : Kotarou Takeda (NTT)
A comprehensive prospect of the simulation technologies covering wide range from devices to equipment is required
for research and development of the communication instruments. Especially, a progress of optical simulation
and microwave simulation as well as their integration are extremely expected for silicon photonics and optical wireless communication systems.
In this panel session, the state of art, the issue, and future prospect on optical and microwave simulation are presented and discussed among key persons from maker and vendor involved in both optical and microwave research and development.
Keyword : Electromagnetic Simulation, Optical Simulation, Microwave Simulation
In this panel session, the state of art, the issue, and future prospect on optical and microwave simulation are presented and discussed among key persons from maker and vendor involved in both optical and microwave research and development.
Keyword : Electromagnetic Simulation, Optical Simulation, Microwave Simulation
→ * You can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Co-Simulation between Circuit and Electromagnetic Simulators Enables Deeper Understanding Physical Phenomenon
- Moriaki Ueno (Ansys Japan)
- 2 Current Status and Future Prospects of Circuit Modeling( Physical, Semi-Physical and Mathematical Approaches) for Latest Devices
- Takeshi Sano (Silvaco Japan)
- 3 Integrated Simulation Tool Kit for Modelling of Multi-Domain Photonic Circuits
- Ippa Mori (Optiwave)
- 4 Unlimited Ways to Optimize Numerical Models Using Simulation Apps
- Masanori Hashiguchi (Kesco)
- 5 SMT Package Design for Optical Communication by Electromagnetic Simulator
- Hitoshi Wakita (NTT)
- 6 Practical Application of Process and Device Simulator for Design of Microwave Transistors
- Kazuya Uryu (Advantest Lab.)