Room A (301)
Silicon Millimeter-Wave Circuits and Devices
Chairs : N. Ono, Toshiba Corp., JAPAN | P. Reynaert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM
- FR4A-1
- A Wafer-Level-Chip-Size-Package Technique with Inverted Microstrip Lines for MM-Wave Si CMOS ICs
Y. Kawai, S. Ujita, T. Fukuda, H. Sakai, T. Ueda, T. Tanaka, Panasonic Corp., JAPAN
- FR4A-2
- An High Performance Integrated Balun for 60GHz Application in 65nm CMOS Technology
M. Ercoli, M. Kraemer, D. Dragomirescu, R. Plana, LAAS-CNRS, and Université de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE ; LAAS, FRANCE
- FR4A-3
- A Wideband Single-Balanced Down-Mixer for the 60GHz Band in 65nm CMOS
M. Kraemer, M. Ercoli, D. Dragomirescu, R. Plana, LAAS-CNRS, and Université de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE ; LAAS, FRANCE
- FR4A-4
- D-Band 3.6-dB-Insertion-Loss ASK Modulator with 19.5-dB Isolation in 65-nm CMOS Technology
U. Yodprasit¹, R. Fujimoto², M. Motoyoshi¹³, K. Takano¹³, M. Fujishima¹, ¹Hiroshima Univ., JAPAN, ²Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center (STARC), JAPAN, ³The Univ. of Tokyo, JAPAN
- FR4A-5 (Invited)
- Silicon D-Band Wireless Transceivers and Applications
Prof. S.P. Voinigescu¹, E. Laskin¹, I. Sarkas¹, K.H.K. Yau¹, S. Shahramian¹, A. Hart¹, A. Tomkins¹, P. Chevalier², J. Hasch³, P. Garcia², A. Chantre², B. Sautreuil², ¹Univ. of Toronto, CANADA, ²STMicroelectronics, FRANCE, ³Robert Bosch GmbH, GERMANY

Room B (302)
Multi Mode Filters
Chairs : Z. Ma, Saitama Univ., JAPAN | Y. Lim, Chonnam National Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA
- FR4B-1 (Invited)
- Dual-Mode Dual-Band Ring Resonator Bandpass Filter with Transmission Zeros
Prof. J.-T. Kuo¹, T.-W. Lin², ¹Chang Gung Univ., TAIWAN, ²National Chiao Tung Univ., TAIWAN
- FR4B-2
- A Novel Compact Triple-Mode Resonator for Microstrip Bandpass Filter Design
K.C. Lee, H.T. Su, M.K. Haldar, Swinburne Univ. of Technology, MALAYSIA
- FR4B-3
- Compact Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Transversal Filter with Triple-Mode Microstrip Resonator
W. Shen¹, W.-Y. Yin¹², X.-W. Sun³, J.-F. Mao¹, ¹Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., CHINA, ²Zhejiang Univ., CHINA, ³Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), CHINA
- FR4B-4
- Microstrip Dual-Mode Bandpass Filter Using CPW-Fed Triangular Loop Resonator with Controllable Attenuation Pole
X.-G. Wang¹, Y.-H. Cho¹, K.-J. Chun², S.-W. Yun¹, ¹Sogang Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA, ²Seoul National Univ. of Technology, REPUBLIC of KOREA
- FR4B-5
- 60GHz CPW Dual-Mode Rectangular Ring Bandpass Filter Using Integrated Passive Devices Process
H.-C. Lu, C.-S. Yeh, S.-A. Wei, Y.-T. Chou, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN

Room C (303)
VNA Measurements and ITS Applications
Chairs : A. Ferrero, Politecnico di Torino, ITARY | M. Horibe, AIST, JAPAN
- FR4C-1 (Invited)
- Multiport VNAs Measurements and Their Digital Applications
Prof. A. Ferrero, Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
- FR4C-2
- An Unconventional VNA-Based Time-Domain Waveform Load-Pull Test Bench
V. Teppati¹, S. Pinarello², A. Ferrero¹, J. Mueller², ¹Politecnico di Torino, ITALY, ²Infineon Technologies AG, GERMANY
- FR4C-3
- Accurate On-Wafer Measurement of Orthogonal Four-Port Networks Using the Thru-Reflection-Unequal-Line (TRuL) Calibration Method
Y.-T. Chou, H.-C. Lu, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN
- FR4C-4
- Evaluation of a Multi-Line De-Embedding Technique for Millimeter-Wave CMOS Circuit Design
Q.-H. Bu, N. Li, K. Bunsen, H. Asada, K. Matsushita, K. Okada, A. Matsuzawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- FR4C-5
- Multiline Material Parameter Extraction Method Performance Analysis
A.S. Rasku, H.P. Sillanpää, I. Hiltunen, R. Mäkinen, Tampere Univ. of Technology, FINLAND
Room D (304)
Wideband Antennas
Chairs : S.T. Kahng, Univ. of Incheon, REPUBLIC of KOREA | T. Fukusako, Kumamoto Univ., JAPAN
- FR4D-1 (Invited)
- Sectorised Horn Antenna Array Using an RF MEMS Rotary Switch
Prof. S. Lucyszyn¹, S. Pranonsatit², A.S. Holmes¹, ¹Imperial College London, U.K., ²Kasetsart Univ., THAILAND
- FR4D-2
- High-Gain Planar Tapered Slot Antenna for Ku-Band Applications
D.-G. Yoon¹, Y.-P. Hong¹, Y.-J. An¹, J.-S. Jang², U.-Y. Pak², J.-G. Yook¹, ¹Yonsei Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA, ²Agency for Defense Development (ADD), REPUBLIC of KOREA
- FR4D-3
- A Printed Leaky-Wave Circularly Polarized Antenna Using Exponentially Curved Slots for Broadside Radiation
S.-K. Lin, Y.-C. Lin, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN
- FR4D-4
- Printed-Circuit Antennas for 3-30GHz and 3-60GHz UWB Applications
M. Mokhtaari, J. Bornemann, Univ. of Victoria, CANADA
- FR4D-5
- Dual-Band Conical-Beam Antenna for IEEE 802.11 a/b/g Applications
C. Phongcharoenpanich, E. Khoomwong, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, THAILAND
Room E (311+312)
Chairs : W. Hong, Southeast Univ., CHINA | N. Kita, NTT Corp., JAPAN
- FR4E-1
- Investigation of Caustics Region Using Physical Optics for Ray Tracing Simulation
Y. Kishiki¹², J. Takada², G.S. Ching¹, H. Takao³, Y. Sugihara³, S. Matsunaga³, F. Uesaka³, ¹Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc., JAPAN, ²Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN, ³JGC Corp., JAPAN
- FR4E-2
- Effect of Vertical Angle Spread of Propagation Channel on MIMO OTA Measurement Method
S. Obayashi¹, T. Ohishi¹, Y. Karasawa², ¹Toshiba Corp., JAPAN, ²The Univ. of Electro-Communications, JAPAN
- FR4E-3
- Influence of Phase Noise on the Frequency Division Multiplexing Channel Sounding
M. Ghoraishi, M. Kim, J. Takada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- FR4E-4
- A Novel Site-Specific Interference Analysis Model for Wireless Personal Area Network
J.R. Oh¹, H.W. Moon¹, S. Kwon², Y.J. Yoon¹, ¹Yonsei Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA, ²LIG Nex1 Co., Ltd., REPUBLIC of KOREA
- FR4E-5
- Study of Propagation Over Two Ends of a Vessel in VHF Band
X.H. Mao, Y.H. Lee, B.C. Ng, Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE
- FR4E-6
- Effect of Diurnal Variations of Rainfall in Satellite Systems at Ku and Ka Band in Singapore
X.X. Zhou¹, Y.H. Lee¹, O.J. Teong², ¹Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE, ²C2N Pte. Ltd., SINGAPORE

Room F (313+314)
Design and Implementation Techniques for Microwave Filters 3
Chairs : K.-L. Wu, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, HONG KONG | H. Kayano, Toshiba Corp., JAPAN
- FR4F-1
- Quarter-Wave Parallel-Coupled and Interdigital Microstrip Bandpass Filters with Generalized Chebyshev Response
Y.-W. Lin¹, J.-C. Lu², C.-Y. Chang¹, C.-K. Liao³, ¹National Chiao Tung Univ., TAIWAN, ²Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., TAIWAN, ³Gemtek Technology Co., Ltd., TAIWAN
- FR4F-2
- Compact Microstrip Bandpass Filters Using Miniaturized Slow-Wave Quarter-Wavelength Resonators
W.-S. Chang, C.-H. Liang, C.-Y. Chang, National Chiao Tung Univ., TAIWAN
- FR4F-3
- Direct Synthesis of a Bandpass Filter with a Controllable Transmission Zero
Y.-C. Chen, L.-K. Yeh, H.-R. Chuang, National Cheng Kung Univ., TAIWAN
- FR4F-4
- Design of the Wide Stopband Microstrip Lowpass Filter with Complementary Split-Ring Resonators
C.-W. Tang, S.-C. Yang, M.-G. Chen, J.-W. Wu, C.-C. Hu, National Chung Cheng Univ., TAIWAN
- FR4F-5
- An Automated Design Technique for Asynchronously-Tuned Circular Waveguide Dual-Mode Filters
H. Hu, K.-L. Wu, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, HONG KONG
- FR4F-6
- Bandpass / Bandstop Coupling Matrix Synthesis Based On Rational Representation of Scattering Parameters
A. Lamecki, M. Mrozowski, Gdansk Univ. of Technology, POLAND