Room A (301)
Theory and Implementation of Oscillators
Chairs : K. Itoh, Kanazawa Institute of technology, JAPAN | H. Zirath, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, SWEDEN
- TH1A-1
- A Low Power 10GHz Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Modified Current-Reused Configuration
M.-T. Hsu, W.-H. Lin, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and Technology, TAIWAN
- TH1A-2
- A Ku Band Push-Push Oscillator Array Using Directional Phase Shifter
T. Hama, K. Kawasaki, T. Tanaka, M. Aikawa, Saga Univ., JAPAN
- TH1A-3
- High-Frequency Half-Integral Subharmonic Locked Ring-VCO-Based Scalable PLL in 90nm CMOS
S.-Y. Lee, S. Amakawa, N. Ishihara, K. Masu, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- TH1A-4
- Phase Noise Analysis of Sinusoidal Oscillators Based on Forced-Oscillation Model
S. Sakihara¹, O. Ishida¹, T. Ohira², ¹Okinawa National College of Technology, JAPAN, ²Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN
- TH1A-5
- A 284-μW 1.85-GHz 20-Phase Oscillator Using Transfer Gate Phase Couplers
H. Lee, T. Takeuchi, M. Yoshimoto, H. Kawaguchi, Kobe Univ., JAPAN
Room B (302)
Transmission Lines and Waveguide 1
Chairs : H. Uchida, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN | T.-G Ma, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN
- TH1B-1
- A Miniaturized Transmission Line with a Mesh-Structure Signal Metal for CMOS ICs
N. Ono, T. Mitomo, H. Hoshino, O. Watanabe, Toshiba Corp., JAPAN
- TH1B-2
- Novel Synthesized Microstrip Line with Controllable Transmission Zeros for Harmonic Suppressions
C.-H. Lai, Y.-C. Tseng, T.-G. Ma, National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology, TAIWAN
- TH1B-3
- Innovative HF Extraction Procedure of the Characteristic Impedance for Embedded Planar Transmission Line on High Conductive Si Substrate
L. Fourneaud¹, T. Lacrevaz¹, J. Charbonnier², A. Farcy³, B. Flechet¹, ¹Université de Savoie, FRANCE, ²CEA-LETI Minatec, FRANCE, ³STMicroelectronics, FRANCE
- TH1B-4
- A Fast Frequency-Domain Method for Lossless Multiconductor Transmission Line Equations and Its Application
F. Xiao, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), CHINA
- TH1B-5
- An Equivalent Circuit Analysis of Coplanar Waveguide Employing Periodic Ground Structure on GaAs MMIC
J.-H. Jeong, Y.-B. Park, B.-R. Jung, J.-G. Ju, S.-Y. Kang, E.-H. Jang, I.-H. Kang, Y. Yun, Korea Maritime Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA

Room C (303)
UWB Antennas 1
Chairs : Q. X. Chu, South China Univ. of Technology, CHINA | T. Sasamori, Akita Prefectural Univ., JAPAN
- TH1C-1
- A Reconfigurable Frequency-Notched UWB Antenna with Split-Ring Resonators
M. Al-Husseini¹, J. Costantine², C.G. Christodoulou², S.E. Barbin³, A. El-Hajj¹, K.Y. Kabalan¹, ¹American Univ. of Beirut, LEBANON, ²Univ. of New Mexico, U.S.A, ³Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL
- TH1C-2
- Compact Circular Polarized Antenna for GPS and CNSS Applications
Z.-H. Tu, Q.-X. Chu, South China Univ. of Technology, CHINA
- TH1C-4
- A New Circular UWB Microstrip Antenna, and Its Characterization in Time and Frequency Domains
M. Kumar, A. Basu, S.K. Koul, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, INDIA
- TH1C-5
- A Compact UWB Antenna with Sharp Band-Notched Characteristics and Controllable Notched Bandwidth
Q.-X. Chu, T.-G. Huang, South China Univ. of Technology, CHINA
Room D (304)
Reconfigurable antennas, Active Antennas
Chairs : Q. Chen, Tohoku Univ., JAPAN | M. Fujimoto, Univ. of Fukui., JAPAN
- TH1D-1
- A Wideband / Image-Rejection Distributed Mixer Integrated with A CRLH Leaky Wave Antenna
C.M. Wu, T. Itoh, UCLA, U.S.A.
- TH1D-2
- Design and Performance of Beam-Forming Antenna with Discrete Phase Shifter for Practical Millimeter-Wave Communications Systems
Y. Sato, K. Fujita, H. Sawada, S. Kato, Tohoku Univ., JAPAN
- TH1D-3
- Millimeter Wave Frequency Reconfigurable Quasi-Yagi Antenna
P.-Y. Qin¹², A.R. Weily², Y.J. Guo², C.-H. Liang¹, ¹Xidian Univ., CHINA, ²CSIRO ICT Centre, AUSTRALIA
- TH1D-4
- A Reconfigurable Orthogonal Antenna Array (ROAA) For Scanning Beam at 5.8GHz
M.T. Ali¹, T.A. Rahman², M.R. Kamarudin², M.N. Md Tan¹, M.F. Jamlos², ¹Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), MALAYSIA, ²Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
- TH1D-5
- Analysis of Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion in BST Varactors
M.F. Abdul Khalid, A.S. Holland, J.R. Scott, K. Ghorbani, RMIT Univ., AUSTRALIA
Room E (311+312)
High Efficiency Power Amplifiers
Chairs : K. Kunihiro, NEC Corp., JAPAN | M. Thian, Queen's Univ. Belfast, U.K.
- TH1E-1
- A Concurrent Dual-Band Doherty Power Amplifier
X. Li¹, W. Chen¹, Z. Zhang¹, Z. Feng¹, X. Tang², K. Mouthaan², ¹Tsinghua Univ., CHINA, ²National Univ. of Singapore, SINGAPORE
- TH1E-2
- Distortion Reduction of a GaN HEMT Doherty Power Amplifier with a Series Connected Load
S. Kawai, Y. Takayama, R. Ishikawa, K. Honjo, The Univ. of Electro-Communications, JAPAN
- TH1E-3
- Analysis and Optimization of Asymmetric Sequential Power Amplifier
Y. Park, B. Ham, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, REPUBLIC of KOREA
- TH1E-4
- 2.4GHz High-Efficiency Power-Combining Class-E Amplifier with Transmission-Line Harmonic Traps
M. Thian¹, V. Fusco¹, P. Gardner², ¹Queen's Univ. Belfast, U.K., ²Univ. of Birmingham, U.K.
Room F (313+314)
Tunable and Metamaterial Filters and Resonators 2
Chairs : T. Nishino, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN | M. Hangai, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN
- TH1F-1
- Compact CPW Dual-Band Bandpass Filters Based on Semi-Lumped Elements and Metamaterial Concepts
M. Durán-Sindreu, J. Bonache, F. Martin, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
- TH1F-2
- Multiplexers Using Unit-Cell Filters of CRLH TLs
H.-R. Ahn, T. Itoh, UCLA, U.S.A.
- TH1F-3
- Novel Miniaturized Triplexer Using Substrate Integrated Technology
A. Corona-Chavez¹², T. Itoh¹, ¹UCLA, U.S.A., ²INAOE, MEXICO
- TH1F-4
- The Design and Fabrication of a High Selectivity Bandpass Filter Based on Composite Right/Left-Handed (CRLH) Material
T.-C. Chou, C.-W. Huang, C.-Y. Chen, National Univ. of Tainan, TAIWAN
- TH1F-5
- A Loop Resonator Tunable Filter Using Phase Shifters
A. Taslimi, K. Mouthaan, National Univ. of Singapore, SINGAPORE