Room A (301)
EuMA Special Session
Chairs : T. Ohira, Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN | A. Alphones, Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE
- WE4A-1 (Invited)
- Innovative Solutions for Compact Waveguide Filters
Prof. R. Sorrentino¹, S. Bastioli², ¹Univ. of Perugia, ITALY, ²RF Microtech SRL, ITALY
- WE4A-2 (Invited)
- MEMS Tunable Metamaterials Surfaces and Their Applications
Prof. A.V. Räisänen¹, D. Chicherin¹, M. Sterner², S. Dudorov¹, D. Lioubtchenko¹, Y. Li³, V. Ovchinnikov³, J. Oberhammer², ¹Aalto Univ. School of Science and Technology, FINLAND, ²KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, SWEDEN, ³Micronova, Aalto Univ., FINLAND
- WE4A-3 (Invited)
- Semi-Active Satellite Antenna Front-Ends: a Successful European Innovation
Dr. A.G. Roederer, IRCTR, Delft Univ. of Technology, NETHERLAND
Room B (302)
Design and Implementation Techniques for Microwave Filters 2
Chairs : I. Awai, Ryukoku Univ., JAPAN | S. Watanabe, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., JAPAN
- WE4B-1 (Invited)
- Miniaturization of Substrate Integrated Bandpass Filters
Prof. W. Hong, K. Gong, Southeast Univ., CHINA/dd>
- WE4B-2
- An Extended Doublet Bandpass Filter Implemented with Microstrip Resonator and Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity
L.-S. Wu, J.-F. Mao, W. Shen, W.-Y. Yin, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., CHINA
- WE4B-3
- Compact Balanced Combline Bandpass Filters with Two Independently Controllable Transmission Zeros in LTCC Technology
C.-L. Tsai¹², Y.-S. Lin¹, ¹National Central Univ., TAIWAN, ²Walsin Technology Corp., TAIWAN
- WE4B-4
- Multi-Layer Coupled Band-Pass Filter for 60GHz LTCC System-on-Package
K. Hiraga, T. Seki, K. Nishikawa, K. Uehara, NTT Corp., JAPAN
- WE4B-5
- Compact Microstrip Bandpass Filters Using Miniaturized Quarter-Wavelength Resonators
C.-H. Liang, W.-S. Chang, C.-Y. Chang, National Chiao Tung Univ., TAIWAN
Room C (303)
Microwave Medical and Biological Applications
Chairs : A.M. Abbosh, The Univ. of Queensland, AUSTRALIA | Y. Nikawa, Kokushikan Univ., JAPAN
- WE4C-1
- Ultra-Wideband Array Antenna System for Breast Imaging
M. Bialkowski, D. Ireland, Y. Wang, A.M. Abbosh, The Univ. of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
- WE4C-2
- Breast Cancer Detection: Comparison of Data-Dependent and Data-Independent Approaches
F. Yang, A.S. Mohan, Univ. of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA
- WE4C-3
- Early Breast Cancer Detection Using Doppler Frequency Shift
A.M. Abbosh, The Univ. of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
- WE4C-4
- Analysis of Microwave Reflection from Capillary Blood Vessel
Y. Nikawa, Kokushikan Univ., JAPAN
- WE4C-5 (Invited)
- Recent Advances in Doppler Radar Sensors for Pervasive Healthcare Monitoring
Prof. J. Lin¹, C. Li², ¹Univ. of Florida, U.S.A., ²Texas Tech Univ., U.S.A.
Room D (304)
Planar Antennas
Chairs : H. Shoki, Toshiba Corp., JAPAN | T. Seki, NTT Corp., JAPAN
- WE4D-1 (Invited)
- Inkjet-Printed Paper / Polymer-Based "Green" RFID and Wireless Sensor Nodes: The Final Step to Bridge Cognitive Intelligence, Nanotechnology and RF?
Prof. M. Tentzeris, A. Traille, H. Lee, A. Rida, V. Lakafosis, R. Vyas, Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
- WE4D-2
- Investigation of 1-D Meta-Structured Leaky Wave Antennas Using High Radiation Unit Cell
C. Kim, B. Lee, Kyung Hee Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA
- WE4D-3
- Anisotropic Meta-Substrate Conical-Beam Leaky-Wave Antenna
A. Shahvarpour¹, A.A. Melcon², C. Caloz¹, ¹École Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA, ²Universidad Politéecnica de Cartagena, SPAIN
- WE4D-4
- Planar 77GHz Antennas on New Thermoplastic Polymer Substrate
M. Schneider, M.D. Richter, Univ. of Bremen, GERMANY
- WE4D-5
- Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic Slotted Waveguide Antenna
D. Gray¹, K. Nicholson², K. Ghorbani¹, P. Callus², ¹RMIT Univ., AUSTRALIA, ²Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), AUSTRALIA
Room E (311+312)
Microwave Photonics
Chairs : K. Murata, NTT Corp., JAPAN | A Alphones, Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE
- WE4E-1 (Invited)
- Hybrid Approach for Optical Beamforming for Phased Array
Prof. A. Alphones, P.Q. Thai, Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE
- WE4E-2
- Phase Measurement and Calibration Characteristics of Optically Controlled Phased Array Antenna Using Multiple SMFs
D. Takeuchi¹, W. Chujo¹, A. Tsuzuku¹, S. Yamamoto², Y. Koyamada³, ¹Meijo Univ., JAPAN, ²National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), JAPAN, ³Ibaraki Univ., JAPAN
- WE4E-3
- Guided Waves on a Dielectric Slab Waveguide with a Variable Period Slot Array Using Photoinduced Semiconductor Plasma
K. Nishimura, Ryukoku Univ., JAPAN
- WE4E-4
- Considerations of Optimum Electrode Structure for Lumped Constant Type LN Optical Modulator in the Microwave Band with Electromagnetic Field Simulator
T. Kamio¹, K. Haeiwa¹, H. Fujisaka¹, Y. Toba², ¹Hiroshima City Univ., JAPAN, ²SEIKOH GIKEN Corp., JAPAN
- WE4E-5
- Remote Microwave Observation Systems Over Optical IP Networks Using a Digitized Radio-Over-Fiber Technique
Y. Shoji, Y. Takayama, M. Toyoshima, H. Ohta, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), JAPAN

Room F (313+314)
CMOS Low Noise Amplifier
Chairs : K. Joshin, Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd., JAPAN | B. Kim, Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology, REPUBLIC of KOREA
- WE4F-1
- CMOS Dual-Band Low-Noise Amplifier for World-Wide WiMedia Ultra-Wideband Wireless Personal Area Network System
Z.-Y. Huang, C.-C. Hung, National Chiao Tung Univ., TAIWAN
- WE4F-2
- A Compact Fully-Integrated 5.2-11.2GHz Low Noise Amplifier Using 0.18-μm CMOS Technology
Y.-Y. Hsu, B.-J. Huang, J.-L. Kuo, H. Wang, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN
- WE4F-3
- 3-7GHz Low Power Wide-Band Common Gate Low Noise Amplifier in 0.18μm CMOS Process
A.I.A. Galal, R.K. Pokharel, H. Kanaya, K. Yoshida, Kyushu Univ., JAPAN
- WE4F-4
- Using Inverter Structure for 2-6GHz Low Power High Gain Low Noise Amplifier
M.-T. Hsu, T.-C. Liu, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and Technology, TAIWAN
- WE4F0-5
- A Low Power, High Dynamic Range LNA for Filterless RF Receiver Front-Ends in 90-nm CMOS
T.D. Werth, D. Bormann, S. Kaehlert, L. Liao, R. Wunderlich, S. Heinen, RWTH Aachen Univ., GERMANY
- WE4F-6
- A Receiver Front-End with Variable-Gain Control for WiMAX Applications
T.-L. Chiu, M.-F. Huang, C.-C. Wang, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), TAIWAN