Room A (301)
High Power GaN HEMT Applications
Chairs : H. Okazaki, NTT DOCOMO, INC., JAPAN | T. Boles., M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc., U.S.A.
- WE3A-1
- Internally-Matched GaN HEMT High Efficiency Power Amplifier for Space Solar Power Stations
K. Yamanaka, Y. Tsuyama, H. Ohtsuka, S. Chaki, M. Nakayama, Y. Hirano, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN
- WE3A-2
- A 5.9GHz-8.5GHz 20Watts GaN HEMT
S. Mizuno¹, H. Yamamoto¹, T. Yamamoto², M. Nishihara², S. Sano¹, ¹Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., JAPAN, ²Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations, Inc., JAPAN
- WE3A-3
- Development of 150W S-Band GaN Solid State Power Amplifier for Satellite Use
K. Nakade, K. Seino, A. Tsuchiko, J. Kanaya, Mitsubishi Electric TOKKI Systems Corp., JAPAN
- WE3A-4
- Cost Effective, High Performance GaN Technology
T. Boles, D. Carlson, C. Varmazis, J. Barrett, M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc., U.S.A.
- WE3A-5
- An X-Band 50% Bandwidth High-Power GaN HEMT T/R Switch
M. Hangai, R. Komaru, Y. Tarui, Y. Kamo, M. Hieda, M. Nakayama, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN
Room B (302)
Tunable and Metamaterial Filters and Resonators 1
Chairs : K. Kawai, NTT DOCOMO INC., JAPAN | T. Nishino, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN
- WE3B-1
- Miniaturized Microwave Tunable Bandpass Filters on High-K LTCC
X. Mi¹², Y. Kawano¹, O. Toyoda², T. Suzuki¹, S. Ueda¹², T. Hirose¹, K. Joshin¹, ¹Fujitsu, Ltd., JAPAN, ²Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd., JAPAN
- WE3B-2
- Tunable Bandpass Filter with Symmetric Attenuation Characteristics
K. Kawai, H. Okazaki, S. Narahashi, NTT DOCOMO, Inc., JAPAN
- WE3B-3
- Parallel-Coupled Stub-Loaded Resonators Compact Size Tunable Filter
F. Burdin, E. Pistono, P. Ferrari, Université de Savoie, FRANCE
- WE3B-4
- High-Q MEMS-Based Bandwidth-Reconfigurable E-Plane Filters
L. Pelliccia, R. Sorrentino, Univ. of Perugia, ITALY
- WE3B-5
- A Low-Loss and Compact Size Analog Tunable Filter on Flexible Organic Substrate
B. Lacroix¹, S. Courrèges¹, K. Choi², Y. Wang², A. T. Hunt², J. Papapolymerou¹, ¹Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A., ²nGimat, Inc., U.S.A.
Room C (303)
Teraheltz and Microwave Applications
Chairs : H.-Y. Lee, Ajou Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA | J. Tan, Nanjing Forestry Univ., CHINA
- WE3C-1
- Application of Terahertz Spectroscopic Technology in Identification of Pine Wood Nematode Disease
Y.-F. Liu¹, L. Jiang¹, J.-J. Tan¹, Z.-W. Zhang², C.-L. Zhang², ¹Nanjing Forestry Univ., CHINA, ²Capital Normal Univ., CHINA
- WE3C-2
- Development of a Simple Multiple-Position Identifying System with a Long Range Multiband Leaky Coaxial Cable for Rescue Operations in Tunnels or Passages in Underground Facilities
M. Nakamura¹, H. Takagi¹, J. Terashima¹, K. Einaga², T. Nishikawa², N. Moriyama², K. Wasaki³, ¹Nagano Prefecture General Industry Technology Center, JAPAN, ²Ryosei Syatems, Ltd., JAPAN, ³Shinshu Univ., JAPAN
- WE3C-3
- New Dielectric Heating Under Noninvasive Temperature Measurement Using MR
A. Ishikawa, Y. Nikawa, Kokushikan Univ., JAPAN
- WE3C-4
- Microwave Absorbing Screens Based on Multilayered Fe Nanofilms
Y. Hao¹, T. Jiang¹², Y. Feng¹², ¹Nanjing Univ., CHINA, ²Southeast Univ., CHINA
- WE3C-5
- Analysis and Improvement of Electromagnetic Susceptibility on High Speed LVDS I/O System
J. Byun, H.-Y. Lee, Ajou Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA

Room D (304)
Progress in Antenna Applications
Chairs : K. Ghorbani, RMIT Univ., AUSTRALIA | H. Hirayama, Nagoya Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- WE3D-1
- UHF RFID Tag for Metal Containers
K.V.S. Rao, S.F. Lam, P.V. Nikitin, Intermec Technologies, U.S.A.
- WE3D-3
- Cylindrical Combline Microstrip Array for Producing Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern
A. Pirhadi¹, H. Bahrami ², J. Nasrigelberenji², A.R. Mallahzadeh³, ¹Shahid Beheshti Univ., IRAN, ²Tarbiat Modares Univ., IRAN, ³Shahed Univ., IRAN
- WE3D-4
- Interaction Between New Printed Antennas and Human Body in Medical Applications
A. Sabban, Ort Braude College, ISRAEL
- WE3D-5
- A New High-Directivity Fractal Antenna Based on the Modified Koch Snowflake Geometry
A.B. Younas, Z. Ahmed, M.B. Ihsan, National Univ. of Sciences and Technology, PAKISTAN
Room E (311+312)
System Consideration
Chairs : A. Hirata, NTT Corp., JAPAN | Y. Nakasha, Fujitsu, Ltd., JAPAN
- WE3E-1
- 10-Gbit/s Bi-Directional and 20-Gbit/s Uni-Directional Data Transmission Over a 120-GHz-Band Wireless Link Using a Finline Ortho-Mode Transducer
J. Takeuchi, A. Hirata, H. Takahashi, N. Kukutsu, NTT Corp., JAPAN
- WE3E-2
- Performance Analysis of a 10-Gb/s Millimeter-Wave Impulse Radio Transmitter
Y. Nakasha¹, N. Hara², K. Araki³, ¹Fujitsu, Ltd., JAPAN, ²Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd., JAPAN, ³Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- WE3E-3
- RFID System Based on Pulse-Position Modulation Using Group Delay Engineered Microwave C-Sections
S. Gupta, B. Nikfal, C. Caloz, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA
- WE3E-4
- An All Digital OFDM Receiver Using a Novel RF Quadrature Under-Sampling Technique
M. Inomata, T. Haruta, M. Muraguchi, Tokyo Univ. of Science, JAPAN
- WE3E-5
- Investigation into Improving Coverage and Capacity of CDMA Wireless Base Stations with CRFE in Rural Environment
J. E. Mazierska, J. Gileppa, James Cook Univ., AUSTRALIA
Room F (313+314)
Mobile Antennas 1
Chairs : K.-L. Wong, National Sum Yat-Sen Univ., TAIWAN | R. Yamaguchi, NTT DOCOMO, INC., JAPAN
- WE3F-1
- Compact Laminated Monopole Antenna Using Air-Gap for Multi-Band Mobile Terminals
C. Park¹², S. Yoon¹², H. Kim¹, M. Song¹, Y. Yang¹, ¹SungKyunKwan Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA, ²Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., REPUBLIC of KOREA
- WE3F-2
- Multiband Internal Antenna for Mobile Phones Using a High Dielectric Material
S. Yoon¹², C. Park¹², M. Kim¹, K. Kim¹, Y. Yang¹, ¹SungKyunKwan Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA, ²Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., REPUBLIC of KOREA
- WE3F-3
- Wideband Mobile Terminal Antenna Design Using Extended Ground
K. Kim, S. Jeon, H. Kim, Hanyang Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA
- WE3F-4
- Super Slim Multiband Inverted-F Antenna for GSM / DCS / PCS Operation
A.R. Razali, M.E. Bialkowski, The Univ. of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
- WE3F-5
- Design of a Wideband Internal Monopole Antenna for Wireless USB Dongle Application
D. Kim, U. Kim, J. Choi, Hanyang Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA