Room A (301)
Microwave Control Circuits
Chairs : T. Tanaka, Saga Univ., JAPAN | J.J. Brogle, M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc., U.S.A.
- FR3A-1
- Dual-Band Class III Loaded-Line Phase Shifters
X. Tang, K. Mouthaan, National Univ. of Singapore, SINGAPORE
- FR3A-3
- Design of a K-Band Low Insertion Loss Variation Phase Shifter Using 0.18-μm CMOS Process
C.-H. Wu¹, W.-T. Li², J.-H. Tsai¹, T.-W. Huang¹, ¹National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN, ²National Taiwan Normal Univ., TAIWAN
- FR3A-4
- A 50Watt Monolithic Surface-Mount Series-Shunt PIN Diode Switch with Integrated Thermal Sink
J.J. Brogle¹, R. Hubert², T. Boles¹, ¹M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc., U.S.A., ²Hittite Microwave Corp., U.S.A.
- FR3A-5
- Mathematical Analysis of Novel Low Phase Deviation Variable Attenuator
Y. Kim, S. Shim, T. Moon, G. Chaudhary, Y. Jeong, Chonbuk National Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA
Room B (302)
Multi Band Filters
Chairs : J.-T. Kuo, Chang Gung Univ., TAIWAN | T. Shimizu, Utsunomiya Univ., JAPAN
- FR3B-1
- High Isolation, Compact Microstrip Diplexers Using Quarter-Wave Stepped-Impedance Resonators
W.-T. Hung, S.-Y. Chang, S.-Y. Chen, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN
- FR3B-2
- A Filter Synthesis Method for Quasi-Elliptic Dual-Passband Filters
H. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Lim, Chonnam National Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA
- FR3B-3
- Compact Dual-Band Microstrip Bandpass Filter Using Folded Linear Tapered-Line Resonator
M.A. Nikravan, Z. Atlasbaf, Tarbiat Modares Univ., IRAN
- FR3B-4
- Series-Cascaded Rings Dual-Band Filter
Z.I. Khan, M.K.M. Salleh, N.Z. Zakaria, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), MALAYSIA
- FR3B-5
- LTCC Dual-Band Filters with Stripline and Waveguide Resonators
G.-H. Huang, C.H. Chen, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN
Room C (303)
Microweave and Milimeter-Wave Measurement Techniques
Chairs : T. Yakabe, UEC, JAPAN | K.-F. Fuh, National United Univ., TAIWAN
- FR3C-1
- Peak Power Measurement of UWB Transmissions Using 50-MHz Bandwidth Gaussian Filter
K. Mochizuki, Y. Kimura, H. Watanabe, M. Uchino, Anritsu Corp., JAPAN
- FR3C-2
- A Stepped Flange Waveguide Technique for Determining Tapered R-Card Sheet Impedance
J.P. Massman¹, M.J. Havrilla¹, K.W. Whites², M.W. Hyde¹, ¹Air Force Institute of Technology, U.S.A., ²South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, U.S.A.
- FR3C-3
- Discussions on Microwave Measurement of Permittivity Anisotropy in the Plane of Dielectric Laminate Substrates
S. Wadayama¹, Y. Kobayashi², Z. Ma¹, ¹Saitama Univ., JAPAN, ²SUMTEC, Inc., JAPAN
- FR3C-4
- The Effect of Dielectric Anisotropy and Metal Surface Roughness
J.C. Rautio¹, B.J. Rautio¹, S. Arvas¹, A.F. Horn Ⅲ², J.W. Reynolds², ¹Sonnet Software, Inc., U.S.A., ²Rogers Corp., U.S.A.
- FR3C-5
- Method for Characterizing Dual-Layer Materials Using a Free Space Technique
N.H. Osman, C.E. Free, Univ. of Surrey, U.K.
Room D (304)
Mobile Antennas 2
Chairs : M.E. Bialkowski, The Univ. of Queensland, AUSTRALIA | K. Ogawa, Panasonic Corp., JAPAN
- FR3D-1
- Study of Coupled-Fed Shorted Monopole with a Radiating Feed Structure for LTE / WWAN Laptop Computer Applications
T.-W. Kang¹, K.-L. Wong¹, L.-C. Chou², ¹National Sun Yat-sen Univ., TAIWAN, ²Yageo Corp., TAIWAN
- FR3D-2
- Compact Broad Dual-Band PIFA Using Self-Complementary Structure for DVB-H Applications
C. Yang¹, J. Kim², C. Jung¹, ¹Seoul National Univ. of Technology, REPUBLIC of KOREA, ²Mobitech Corp., REPUBLIC of KOREA
- FR3D-3
- Study of a Hearing Aid-Compatible Internal LTE / WWAN Bar-Type Mobile Phone Antenna
S.-C. Chen, K.-L. Wong, National Sun Yat-sen Univ., TAIWAN
- FR3D-5
- A Study of Using Re-Radiation Wearable Antenna for Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting
Y. Nakazato, Y. Okano, Tokyo City Univ., JAPAN
Room E (311+312)
Sensing and Measurements 1
Chairs : T. Sakamoto, Kyoto Univ., JAPAN | S. Kurokawa, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, JAPAN
- FR3E-1
- A Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm for Airborne Downwardlooking Multi-Channel SAR with Phase Error Compensation
K.Y. Han¹²³, W.X. Tan²³, Y.P. Wang²³, W. Hong²³, ¹Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS), CHINA, ²National Key Lab. of Microwave Imaging Technology (MITL), CHINA, ³Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IECAS), CHINA
- FR3E-2
- Wide Angle SAR Imaging with Missing Data Using Tuning MAPES Method
Q. Liu¹², W.X. Tan¹², Y.P. Wang¹², W. Hong¹², Y. Wu¹², ¹National Key Lab. of Microwave Imaging Technology (MITL), CHINA, ²Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IECAS), CHINA
- FR3E-3
- Compressive Sensing for High Resolution Radar Imaging
L. Anitori¹², M. Otten¹, P. Hoogeboom¹², ¹TNO Defence, Security and Safety, NETHERLANDS, ²Technical Univ. of Delft, NETHERLANDS
- FR3E-4
- On the Polarization Response Using Resonances for Target Recognition
H.-S. Lui¹, N.V. Shuley², ¹Chalmers Univ. of Technology, SWEDEN, ²The Univ. of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
- FR3E-5
- Six-Port-Based Direction-of-Arrival Detection System
G. Vinci, A. Koelpin, F. Barbon, R. Weigel, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY

Room F (313+314)
MEMS and Tunable Devices
Chairs : T. Nishino, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN | M. Mah, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), U.S.A.
- FR3F-1
- RF MEMS Tunable Capacitors Based on Movable Sidewalls in 3D Micromachined Coplanar Transmission Lines
U. Shah, M. Sterner, G. Stemme, J. Oberhammer, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, SWEDEN
- FR3F-2
- Integration of Microwave MEMS Reconfigurable Reflective Surfaces in Rectangular Waveguide Stubs
M. Sterner¹, D. Chicherin², J. Åberg³, R. Sauleau4, A.V. Räisänen², G. Stemme¹, J. Oberhammer¹, ¹KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, SWEDEN, ²Aalto Univ. School of Science and Technology, FINLAND, ³μCompNordic AB, SWEDEN, 4Université de Rennes 1, FRANCE
- FR3F-3
- Miniaturized RF MEMS Switch Cells for Crossbar Switch Matrices
K.Y. Chan¹, R.R. Mansour², R. Ramer¹, ¹Univ. of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA, ²Univ. of Waterloo, CANADA
- FR3F-4
- Dielectric Charging in Capacitive RF MEMS Switches: The Effect of Electric Stress
N. Tavassolian¹, M. Koutsoureli², G. Papaioannou², B. Lacroix¹, J. Papapolymerou¹, ¹Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A., ²National Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens, GREECE
- FR3F-5
- BST Tunability Study at DC and Microwave Frequencies by Using IDC and MIM Capacitors
B. Ouagague¹, H.B. El-Shaarawy¹, S. Pacchini¹, S. Payan², A. Rousseau², M. Maglione², R. Plana¹, ¹LAAS-CNRS, and Université de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE ; LAAS, FRANCE, ²ICMCB ; CNRS; Université Bordeaux 1, FRANCE