Room A (301)
CMOS Power Amplifiers
Chairs : S. Tanaka, Renesas Electronics Corp, JAPAN | S. Shinjo, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN
- FR2A-1
- Design Considerations for 60GHz CMOS Power Amplifiers
Y. He, D. Zhao, L. Li, P. Reynaert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM
- FR2A-2
- A 57-66GHz Medium Power Amplifier in 65-nm CMOS Technology
C.-Y. Hsieh, J.-J. Kuo, Z.-M. Tsai, K.-Y. Lin, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN
- FR2A-3
- Analysis and Design of Series Combining Transformers for Integrated Doherty Power Amplifiers
E. Kaymaksüt, B. Francois, P. Reynaert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BELGIUM
- FR2A-4
- 65nm and 32nm Single NMOS Amplifier Non-Linear Study for Transducer Gain Optimization and Load-Pull Measurements
R. Paulin, F. Blanchet, P. Garcia, STMicroelectronics, FRANCE
- FR2A-5
- Measurement of Integrated PA-to-LNA Isolation on Si CMOS Chip
R. Minami, J.Y. Hong, D. Imanishi, K. Okada, A. Matsuzawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
Room B (302)
Advances in Coupler / Balun Technologies
Chairs : K. Wu, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA | I. Toyoda, NTT Corp., JAPAN
- FR2B-1
- A Novel Compact Planar Crossover with Simple Design Procedure
X. Liu, C. Yu, Y. Liu, S. Li, C. Yu, F. Wu, M. Su, Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications, CHINA
- FR2B-2
- A Novel H-Plane Waveguide Intersection
H. Ikeuchi¹, S. Matsumoto², T. Kawai¹, M. Kishihara³, I. Ohta¹, ¹Univ. of Hyogo, JAPAN, ²Furuno Electric Co., Ltd., JAPAN, ³Okayama Prefectural Univ., JAPAN
- FR2B-3
- Development of a Defected Ground Structure Wide Bandwidth Balun on Multilayer Organic Substrate
H. Ta, A. Stameroff, A.-V. Pham, Univ. of California, Davis, U.S.A.
- FR2B-4
- A Compact Coupler Incorporating Novel Planar Resonators for Resonant Coupling Wireless Power / Data Transfer Systems
Y. Shirakata, S. Koshikawa, J.X. Ge, H. Mizutani, Yokowo Co., Ltd, JAPAN
- FR2B-5
- 180-Degree Substrate Integrated Waveguide Hybrid and Its Application to Broadband Millimeter-Wave Single Balanced Mixer Design
Z.-Y. Zhang, K. Wu, Y.R. Wei, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA
Room C (303)
Radar and Imaging Systems
Chairs : A. Hirose, Tokyo Univ., JAPAN | T. Kashiwa, Furuno Electric Co., Ltd., JAPAN
- FR2C-1
- Design of Sparse MIMO Arrays for Short Range Imaging Applications
F. Gumbmann, L.-P. Schmidt, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY
- FR2C-2
- Autofocus Imaging Simulation for Through-Wall Radar by Using FDTD with Unknown Wall Characteristics
X. Gu, Y. Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), CHINA
- FR2C-3
- Evaluation of Effective Radius Retrieved by FMCW CPR FALCON-I from Hedo Observation in 2008
J. Yamaguchi¹, T. Takano², Y. Kawamura², H. Abe², T. Takamura², H. Takenaka², G. Pandithurai³, Y. Ishizaka4, T. Kimura¹, ¹Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAPAN, ²Chiba Univ., JAPAN, ³Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, INDIA, 4Aichi Gakuin Univ., JAPAN
- FR2C-4
- Millimeter Wave FMCW Radar System Simulations Including a 3D Ray Tracing Channel Simulator
M. Dudek¹, R. Wahl², D. Kissinger¹, R. Weigel¹, G. Fischer¹, ¹Friedrich-Alexander Univ., GERMANY, ²AWE-Communications GmbH, GERMANY
- FR2C-5
- Multi-Frequency Radar Systems for Monitoring Vital Signs
L. Chioukh¹, H. Boutayeb¹, D. Deslandes², K. Wu¹, ¹École Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA, ²Université du Québec À Montréal (UQAM), CANADA

Room D (304)
Millimeter Wave Antennas, Antenna System
Chairs : Y. P. Zhang, Nanyang Technologcal Univ., SINGAPORE | J. Takada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- FR2D-1
- A 60-GHz LTCC Microstrip Grid Array Antenna
M. Sun¹, Y.P. Zhang², ¹Institute for Infocomm Research, SINGAPORE, ²Nanyang Technological Univ., SINGAPORE
- FR2D-2
- A 60-GHz Rectangular Slot Antenna with Backed Cavity in LTCC
Y.-F. Lu¹, K.-F. Hung², Y.-C. Lin¹, ¹National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN, ²MediaTek Inc., TAIWAN
- FR2D-3
- Analysis of Synthetic Cylindrical Array Beam-Forming in Presence of the Elements Position-Error for Semi-Anechoic Chamber Evaluation
K. Priandana¹, M. Ghoraishi¹, J. Takada¹, M. Ameya², S. Kurokawa², M. Hirose², ¹Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN, ²National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, JAPAN
- FR2D-4
- Detection of SSR Signals in Multipath Airport Environments by a Multichannel Receiver
C. Reck¹, U. Berold², L.-P. Schmidt¹, ¹Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY, ²iAd GmbH, GERMANY
- FR2D-5
- An Experimental Study of Novel Scanning System Suitable for UWB Radar Application
F. Sakai, K. Ohta, Sakura Tech Corp., JAPAN
Room E (311+312)
Sensing and Measurements 2
Chairs : H. Morishita, National Defence Academy, JAPAN | M. Ameya, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, JAPAN
- FR2E-1
- An Improved Image-Based Near-Field-to-Far-Field Transformation
A. Osipov¹, H. Kobayashi², H. Suzuki³, ¹German Aerospace Center (DLR), GERMANY, ²Niigata Univ., JAPAN, ³KEYCOM Corp., JAPAN
- FR2E-2
- ERP / EIRP Measurement of a Mobile Phone in CTL Cell Using Halfwave Dipole and Optical Link
I.-K. Cho¹, U. Park², J.-I. Mun¹, S.-M. Kim¹, W.-J. Byun¹, C.-J. Kim¹, J.-H. Yun¹, ¹Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), REPUBLIC of KOREA, ²Kangwon National Univ. REPUBLIC of KOREA
- FR2E-3
- A 100GHz Grooved Circular Empty Cavity for Low Loss Dielectric Substrate Measurements in W Band
T. Shimizu¹, S. Akasaka², Y. Kawahara², Y. Kogami¹, ¹Utsunomiya Univ., JAPAN, ²Kawashima Manufacturing Co., Ltd., JAPAN
- FR2E-4
- Preliminary Investigations of Mutual Coupling Effect on Near-Field Beam Focusing
H.-S. Lui¹, H.T. Hui², M. Persson¹, ¹Chalmers Univ. of Technology, SWEDEN, ²National Univ. of Singapore, SINGAPORE
- FR2E-5
- Electromagnetic Field Intensity on Cross-Arm Structures Caused by Electrical Arcing
A. Bojovschi, F. Ferry, K.L. Wong, W.S.T. Rowe, RMIT Univ., AUSTRALIA

Room F (313+314)
Innovative Non-Planar Filter Techniques
Chairs : D. C. Park, Chungnam National Univ., REPUBLIC of KOREA | Y. Zhang, Ryukoku Univ., JAPAN
- FR2F-01
- Design of Predistorted SIW Bandpass Filter with 6dB Offset
Z. Zakaria, I.C. Hunter, B.H. Ahmad, Univ. of Leeds, U.K.
- FR2F-02
- Stopband Improvement of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filters Using Slotted Ground Structures
M. Salehi, E. Mehrshahi, R. Rezaiesarlak, Shahid Beheshti Univ., IRAN
- FR2F-03
- A Novel Coaxial-Excited FSS-Loaded Waveguide Filter with Multiple Transmission Zeros
M. Ohira¹, Z. Ma¹, H. Deguchi², M. Tsuji², ¹Saitama Univ., JAPAN, ²Doshisha Univ., JAPAN
- FR2F-04
- Coaxial Combline Filters Using the Stepped-Impedance Resonators
H.-H. Chen¹, R.-C. Hsieh², Y.-T. Shih³, Y.-H. Chou³, M.-H. Chen¹, ¹National First Univ. of Science and Technology, TAIWAN, ²JITAI Technology Co., Ltd, TAIWAN, ³Huafan Univ., TAIWAN
- FR2F-05
- The Suspended Stripline BPF of Cross Coupling Design Using Quasi-Lumped Approach
P.-F. Chen, M.-H. Ho, W. Hong, National Changhua Univ. of Education, TAIWAN