Room A (301)
High Frequency Low Noise Amplifier
Chairs : I. Watanabe, NICT, JAPAN | H.-K. Chiou, National Central Univ., TAIWAN
- FR1A-1
- A High-Gain and Low-Noise MMIC Amplifier Module for a Ku-Band Compact Active Integrated Antenna
S. Kawasaki¹, H. Seita², M. Kawashima², M. Hori³, K. Satoh4, Y. Suzuki4, ¹Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAPAN, ²Kyoto Univ., JAPAN, ³Tokyo Univ. of Science, JAPAN, 4NTT DOCOMO, Inc., JAPAN
- FR1A-2
- A High-Linearity Broadband 55-77GHz Differential Low-Noise Amplifier with 20dB Gain in SiGe Technology
D. Kissinger¹, K. Aufinger², T.F. Meister², L. Maurer³, R. Weigel¹, ¹Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, GERMANY, ²Infineon Technologies AG, GERMANY, ³Danube Integrated Circuit Engineering (DICE), AUSTRIA
- FR1A-3
- A 24-GHz 3.8-dB NF Low-Noise Amplifier with Built-In Linearizer
Y.-H. Kuo¹, J.-H. Tsai², W.-H. Chou¹, T.-W. Huang¹, ¹National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN, ²National Taiwan Normal Univ., TAIWAN
- FR1A-4
- A 24-GHz Low Power Low Noise Amplifier Using Current Reuse and Body Forward Bias Techniques in 0.18-μm CMOS Technology
C.-C. Kuo, H. Wang, National Taiwan Univ., TAIWAN
- FR1A-5
- A High Performance V-Band Low Noise Amplifier Using Thin-Film Microstrip (TFMS) Lines in 0.13μm CMOS Technology
H.-K. Chiou, K.-Z. Lee, S.-J. Wu, National Central Univ., TAIWAN

Room B (302)
Artificial Materials and Applications
Chairs : A. Sanada, Yamaguchi Univ., JAPAN | T. Itoh, UCLA, U.S.A.
- FR1B-1
- Ferromagnetic Nanowire (FMNW) Self-Biased H-Plane Resonance Isolator
H. Razavipour, L.-P. Carignan, D. Ménard, A. Yelon, C. Caloz, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CANADA
- FR1B-2
- Characteristics on Left-Handed Ferrite Waveguide
K. Okubo¹, M. Tsutsumi², ¹Okayama Prefectural Univ., JAPAN, ²Fukui Univ. of Technology, JAPAN
- FR1B-3
- Manipulating Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves Through Controllable Metamaterial Absorber
B. Zhu¹, C. Huang¹, J. Zhao¹, T. Jiang¹², Y. Feng¹², ¹Nanjing Univ., CHINA, ²Southeast Univ., CHINA
- FR1B-4
- Radiation Characteristics of Waveguide-Type Zeroth-Order Resonator
K. Shimizu, H. Kubo, A. Sanada, Yamaguchi Univ., JAPAN
- FR1B-5
- 2D Zeroth Order Resonator with Non-Planar Metamaterial Composed of Metal Rods
T. Yamamoto, A. Sanada, H. Kubo, T. Kodera, Yamaguchi Univ., JAPAN
Room C (303)
Propagation and Interference
Chairs : S. Kameda, Tohoku Univ., JAPAN | F. Suginosita, NHK, JAPAN
- FR1C-1
- Influence of Hand Tremor for 60-GHz-Band Broadband Wireless Communication Terminal Based on Advanced Kiosk Model
S. Tomita¹, N.H. Tran¹, Y. Miyake¹, K. Komatsu¹, H. Oguma¹², N. Izuka³, S. Tanifuji¹, S. Kameda¹, N. Suematsu¹, T. Takagi¹, K. Tsubouchi¹, ¹Tohoku Univ., JAPAN, ²Miyagi Prefectural Government, JAPAN, ³SOFTBANK TELECOM Corp., JAPAN
- FR1C-2
- Connection Probability Enhancement Using Artificial Reflectors for Millimeter Wave Communications
S. Takahashi, H. Sawada, S. Kato, Tohoku Univ., JAPAN
- FR1C-3
- Measured Downlink Throughput Performance of Mobile Broadband Wireless Access System in Suburban Area
H. Oguma¹², S. Kameda¹, N. Izuka³, Y. Asano³, Y. Yamazaki³, N. Suematsu¹, T. Takagi¹, K. Tsubouchi¹, ¹Tohoku Univ., JAPAN, ²Miyagi Prefectural Government, JAPAN, ³SOFTBANK TELECOM Corp., JAPAN
- FR1C-4
- Considerations and Experiments for Stable Ship Mobile Reception of Terrestrial Digital Television Waves
K. Haeiwa¹, T. Kamio¹, H. Kondo², S. Iwaki³, T. Kotani³, T. Ueta³, ¹Hiroshima City Univ., JAPAN, ²RCC Broadcasting, JAPAN, ³NHK Integrated Technology, Inc., JAPAN
- FR1C-5
- Performance Evaluation of ATSC-DTV Receivers in the Presence of ISDB-T Interference Signal
S.W. Choi, H.J. Hong, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), REPUBLIC of KOREA

Room D (304)
Advances in Reflector and Slot Antennas
Chairs : Q. Yuan, Sendai National College of Technology, JAPAN | N. Kuga, Yokohama National Univ., JAPAN
- FR1D-1
- Plane-Wave Excited Lens / Reflector Antennas Made of Uniaxially Anisotropic Metamaterials
S.-W. Qu¹, J.-F. Li¹, Q. Chen¹, Q. Yuan², K. Sawaya¹, Z.-F. Ji³, ¹Tohoku Univ., JAPAN, ²Sendai National College of Technology, JAPAN, ³Southeast Univ., CHINA
- FR1D-2
- Integrated Wideband Dipole Antenna for Pulse Beam-Formability by Using 0.18μm CMOS Technology
N.N.M. Khanh, M. Sasaki, K. Asada, The Univ. of Tokyo, JAPAN
- FR1D-3
- Reflectarray Antenna Consisting of Circular Disk Elements: Design and Measurement
H. Hasani¹, M. Kamyab¹, A. Mirkamali², H. Eskandari³, ¹K.N. Toosi Univ. of Technology, IRAN, ²Zanjan Univ., IRAN, ³Urmia Univ., IRAN
- FR1D-4
- A Novel Circular Polarization Switchable Slot-Ring Array Antenna with Orthogonal Feed Circuit
Y. Ushijima, S. Feng, E. Nishiyama, M. Aikawa, Saga Univ., JAPAN
- FR1D-5
- A Compact Simple Structured Filtering Antenna Utilizing Filter Synthesis Technique
C.-K. Lin, S.-J. Chung, National Chaio Tung Univ., TAIWAN
Room E (311+312)
MIMO Systems
Chairs : S. K. Koul, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, INDIA | K. Nishimori, Niigata Univ., JAPAN
- FR1E-1
- Optimization of Diversity Antenna Directivities Based on Spherical Mode Expansion
M. Arai, M. Iwabuchi, K. Sakaguchi, K. Araki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN
- FR1E-2
- Two-Element Particle Isolator to Reduce Mutual Coupling in Rod-Antenna Arrays
S. Werner¹², L. Vietzorreck², A. Hirose¹, ¹The Univ. of Tokyo, JAPAN, ²Technische Universitat Munchen, GERMANY
- FR1E-3
- Improving Spectral Efficiency of Multiuser-MIMO Distributed Antenna Systems by Inter-Cluster Interference Cancellation
K. Maruta, T. Maruyama, A. Ohta, J. Mashino, M. Nakatsugawa, NTT Corp., JAPAN
- FR1E-4
- LOS and NLOS Capacity Components in MIMO Rice Fading Channels
V.M. Vergara¹, S.E. Barbin², ¹Univ. of New Mexico, U.S.A., ²Universidade de São Paulo, BRAZIL
Room F (313+314)
Transmission Lines and Waveguide 2
Chairs : Y. Isota, Akita Prefectual Univ., JAPAN | C.-P. Chen, Kanagawa Univ., JAPAN
- FR1F-1
- A 79-GHz LTCC Differential Microstrip Line to Laminated Waveguide Transition Using High Permittivity Material
X. Wang, A. Stelzer, Johannes Kepler Univ. of Linz, AUSTRIA
- FR1F-2
- A Post-Wall Waveguide (SIW) Matched Load with Thin-Film Resistor
H. Uchida, M. Nakayama, A. Inoue, Y. Hirano, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JAPAN
- FR1F-3
- On the Transition from Radiating to Guiding Behavior of the Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide
Q. Lai¹, C. Fumeaux², W. Hong¹, ¹Southeast Univ., CHINA, ²The Univ. of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
- FR1F-4
- Crosstalk in Parallel Slotlines
V. Kotlan¹, J. Machác¹, F. Mesa², R. Rodriguez-Berral², ¹Czech Technical Univ. in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, ²Univ. of Seville, SPAIN
- FR1F-5
- Ultra Wideband Three-Channel Rotary Joint Design Using Curved Double-Ridged Waveguide
A.R. Mallahzadeh, H. Ahmadabadi, Shahed Univ., IRAN