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- Nov. 28 (Wed)
Workshop Program
Nov. 28 (Wed)
WE1A Opening Ceremony
Nov. 28 (Wed), 10:00-10:10 Room 1 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
Welcome Message from the Steering Committee Chair
Kenichi Maruhashi (NEC)A [ Present and Future of 5G Era, 5G Related Sessions ]
WE1A Keynote Address 1
Nov. 28 (Wed) 10:15-11:05 Room 1 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
The Latest Radio Frequency Administration in Japan
Hideo Fuseda (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
For this reason, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications promotes research and development of new wireless communication systems such as 5G, IoT and others that contribute to the effective use of radio frequency, efforts to secure the frequencies necessary for creating new innovation and examination for radio system reform.
In this presentation, we will introduce the latest radio frequency administration.
→ * You can read the trial of digest (PDF)
C [ New Fundamentals of Wireless Technologies, WPT Technologies ]
WE1A Keynote Address 2
Nov. 28 (Wed) 11:10-12:00 Room 1 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
Capacitive-Coupling Wireless Power Transfer
Takashi Ohira (Director, Research Center for Future Vehicle City, Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
The keynote lecture views WPT fundamentals, design theory, and practical implementations especially focussing on capacitive-coupling schemes.
→ * You can read the trial of digest (PDF)
A [ Present and Future of 5G Era, 5G Related Sessions ]
WE1B Workshop
Nov. 28 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 1+2 (Annex Hall F201+F202)
System Trials toward Actualization of 5th Generation Mobile Communication System 5G -Second-
Organizers : Kohei Satoh (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)),Yukihiko Okumura* (NTT DOCOMO, INC.)
Chair : Fumiyuki Adachi (Tohoku Univ.)
*5G Trial Promotion Group Leader, the Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum, 5GMF
The 5th generation mobile communication system 5G is a next generation mobile communication system having features such as
"ultra-high speed/large capacity", "large number of connections", "ultra-low latency" etc.,
which further developed the existing system.
It is expected that 5G will be realized as an ICT base of the advanced information society at an early stage. In recent years, in Japan,
activities related to research and development and international standardization of technologies and functions supporting 5G,
such as radio access network technologies and others, are rapidly accelerating toward the actualization of 5G in 2020.
From fiscal year 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) "5G system trials" has been started,
and many stakeholders in various utilization fields participate in the trials as well as those related to the mobile communications industry to create a new market through actualization of 5G.
In this session, regarding 5G system trials in the second year of this fiscal year, following the introduction of the overview of the trials by the MIC, each domestic mobile communication operator promoting the system trial will introduce the content and plan of each trial.
Keyword : 5G, Mobile communication, System trial, Various use cases
In this session, regarding 5G system trials in the second year of this fiscal year, following the introduction of the overview of the trials by the MIC, each domestic mobile communication operator promoting the system trial will introduce the content and plan of each trial.
Keyword : 5G, Mobile communication, System trial, Various use cases
→ * You can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Overview of 5G System Trials in 2018 (tentative)
- Takuya Nakagawa (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC))
- 2 5G System Trial in 2018 by NTT DOCOMO, NTT Communications and Partners
Utilization of 5G Ultra-High Speed Communication in Outdoor Environments
Satoshi Suyama, Yukihiko Okumura, Jun Mashino (NTT DOCOMO)
Utilization of 5G High-Speed Communication in High-Mobility Environments
Masanori Ichinose, Ichiro Nakagawa (NTT Communications)
- 3 5G System Trial in 2018 by KDDI, ATR and Partners
Trials of use cases utilizing high speed uplink capability
Akira Matsunaga (KDDI)
Utilization of 5G Ultra-High-Speed Communications in Indoor Environments
Kyohiro Yoshida, Masaya Yamada (ATR)
- 4 5G System Trial in 2018 by SoftBank, Wireless City Planning and Partners
5G Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication - An Application to Truck Platooning -
Hitoshi Yoshino, Ryo Yamaguchi, Manabu Mikami (SoftBank)
5G mMTC for Smart Highway and Smart Office
Takao Okamawari, Yusuke Tajima (Wireless City Planning)
B [ Special Sessions on Creating the Future of Wireless Innovations ] / C [ New Fundamentals of Wireless Technologies, WPT Technologies ]
WE3B Special Session
Nov. 28 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 3 (Annex Hall F203)
Challenge to Development of Novel Wireless Power Transfer System
Organizers : Ikuo Awai (Ryutech Corp.)Chair : Takashi Ohira (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
We have not seen too many practical application of WPT so far 10 years after it became a significant discussion topic.
It would be necessary to be more strongly conscious of power transfer,
not signal transmission, and to get over the scope of familiar microwave technology.
Having those concerns in mind, we would like to think over the WPT together with power electronics engineers.
Keyword : High frequency inverter, GaN-FET, Electromagnetic coupling, Wireless power transfer, Contactless power transfer, Periodic circuit, Receiver, ATAC
Keyword : High frequency inverter, GaN-FET, Electromagnetic coupling, Wireless power transfer, Contactless power transfer, Periodic circuit, Receiver, ATAC
* When you click on the title, you can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Advanced Power Semiconductor Inverters for High Frequency High Efficiency AC Power Supply
- Kazuhiro Umetani, Kosuke Kobayashi, Masataka Ishihara, Eiji Hiraki (Okayama Univ.)
- 2 Recent Approaches in Power Receiver Circuit for Improving Robustness of Inductive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer
- Masataka Ishihara, Keita Fujiki, Kazuhiro Umetani, Eiji Hiraki (Okayama Univ.)
- 3 Let's Take Another Look at WPT Systems in the Wide World
- Ikuo Awai (Ryutech Corp.)
E [ The Origins of Wireless Technologies, Fundamental Technologies ]
WE4B Workshop
Nov. 28 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 4 (Annex Hall F204)
Cutting-Edge Technologies of Magnetic Materials and Their Applications for Microwave Frequency Range
Organizers : Masayuki Naoe (Research Institute for Electromagnetic Materials)Chair : Keiju Yamada (Toshiba Corp.)
As for the microwave materials, there are some restrictions to the magnetic materials in comparison with the dielectric materials and the air.
This is because magnetic permeability is provided only from ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials and most of the magnetic materials are metallic.
However, some novel materials and their applications have been developed to solve the subjects and have attracted an attention, recently.
On the other hand, there is an aspect that magnetic materials and their applications for the microwave are of less practical use at present because relatively little is known about them.
Here, the members of Investigating R&D Committee on Practical Applications of High-Frequency Magnetic Materials, IEEJ" will introduce the cutting edge of magnetic materials and their applications for microwave to researchers and engineers of the microwave.
Keyword : Magnetic materials, 5th generation mobile communications system, Complex permeability measurement, Magnetostriction, Copper loss, Skin effect, Noise suppression, Electromagnetic compatibility
Here, the members of Investigating R&D Committee on Practical Applications of High-Frequency Magnetic Materials, IEEJ" will introduce the cutting edge of magnetic materials and their applications for microwave to researchers and engineers of the microwave.
Keyword : Magnetic materials, 5th generation mobile communications system, Complex permeability measurement, Magnetostriction, Copper loss, Skin effect, Noise suppression, Electromagnetic compatibility
* When you click on the title, you can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Recent Trend of Magnetic Materials for Microwave: Utilities of Granular Materials
- Masayuki Naoe (Research Institute for Electromagnetic Materials)
- 2 In-site Measurement of Permeability and Magnetostrtiction Constant of Magnetic Films Deposited on Si Wafers
- Shigeyuki Sato, Osamu Mori, Yutaka Shimada, Ryoichi Utsumi (Toei Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd.), Yasushi Endo, Shin Yabukami (Tohoku Univ.)
- 3 Characteristic Evaluation of RF Transmission Line with Ni-Fe/Cu Electroplated Multilayer Film aimed at Skin Effect Suppression by Negative Permeability
- Hidetoshi Nakayama (National Institute of Technology, Nagano College), Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tohoku Univ.), Takeshi Yanai (Nagasaki Univ.), Ranajit Sai (Indian Institute of Science), Yuki Kitai, Mikio Sato, Ushio Sangawa (Automotive & Industrial Systems Company, Panasonic Corp.)
- 4 A New Magnetic Technology to Improve Minimum Sensitivity of Mobile Handset Against Unnecessary Wave Radiation from Power Electronics Equipment
- Masahiro Yamaguchi, Satoshi Tanaka, Kazushi Ishiyama, Kensuke Hatakeyama (Tohoku Univ.), Makoto Nagata (Kobe Univ.), Koichi Kondo (TOKIN Corp.), Yasuyuki Okiyoneda (Showa Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd.)
A [ Present and Future of 5G Era, 5G Related Sessions ] / E [ The Origins of Wireless Technologies, Fundamental Technologies ]
WE5B Workshop
Nov. 28 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 5 (Annex Hall F205)
Efficiency Boosting Techniques of Power Amplifiers for 5G Mobile Networks
Organizers : Kazutaka Inoue (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.)Chair : Akio Wakejima (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
The elimination of electric power consumption has been strongly required for 4G/5G mobile communication systems.
The challenges of the efficiency improvement of the PAs in the backed off power level have become more important to meet the requirement for higher spectrum efficiency,
while class-F operation and Doherty configuration have widely used in the current PAs.
This workshop covers the backed-off efficiency boosting techniques of the recent base station PAs.
Keyword : Power Amplifier, GaN, Wide Band, High-Efficiency, Class-F, Inverse Class-F, Back-Off, Doherty, Envelope Tracking
This workshop covers the backed-off efficiency boosting techniques of the recent base station PAs.
Keyword : Power Amplifier, GaN, Wide Band, High-Efficiency, Class-F, Inverse Class-F, Back-Off, Doherty, Envelope Tracking
* When you click on the title, you can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Fundamentals and Analysis of High Efficiency Amplifiers Based on Waveform Engineering
- Hiroshi Yamamoto (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.)
- 2 High-Efficiency Techniques at Back-Off Region for Microwave Power Amplifiers
- Ryo Ishikawa (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)
- 3 High Efficiency and Wideband Power Amplifiers for 5G Base Stations
- Shuichi Sakata, Yuji Komatsuzaki, Keigo Nakatani, Shintaro Shinjo (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
F [ Clear Understanding of Wireless Technologies, Tutorial Sessions ]
WE6B Tutorial
Nov. 28 (Wed) 14:00-16:00 Room 6 (Annex Hall F206)
Practical Lecture on Vector Network Analyzer Measurements
Organizers : Ryoko Kishikawa (National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.)Chair : Takuichi Hirano (Tokyo City Univ.)
Electronic measurement instruments are becoming so smart that users do not understand how the data is processed inside.
Users often tend to believe the data displayed on a measurement instrument is accurate.
Yes, measurement instruments are accurate but it is just accurately measuring what is connected to the front panel.
You may be either so impressed or overwhelmed by many fancy functions that you feel what you are doing is a highly sophisticated measurement.
However, the highly sophisticated data processing would just result in a set of useless data if the way you connect your device is not appropriate.
Vector Network Analyzers will be the example of the "smart" instruments in this seminar and you will find an insight and a hint to make your measurements accurate.
Keyword : S-parameter, Vector Network Analyzer, Measurement, Calibration
Vector Network Analyzers will be the example of the "smart" instruments in this seminar and you will find an insight and a hint to make your measurements accurate.
Keyword : S-parameter, Vector Network Analyzer, Measurement, Calibration
* When you click on the title, you can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Fundamentals of S-parameters
- Tadashi Kawai (Univ. of Hyogo)
- 2
Measurement Examples and Common Mistakes with Network Analyzers
- Tips to Obtain Correct Measurement Data - - Yoshiyuki Yanagimoto (Kanto Electronic Application and Development Inc.)
F [ Clear Understanding of Wireless Technologies, Tutorial Sessions ]
WE7B Getting Started
Nov. 28 (Wed) 13:30-15:00 Room 7 (Exhibition Hall Workshop Space)
Antenna Introductory Course Starting from Scratch
Organizers : MWE 2018 Exhibition CommitteeChair : Takuichi Hirano (Tokyo City Univ.)
Recently, wireless communication is widely used. Antenna is one of the important components in wireless communication.
However, it seems that beginners feel antenna development is difficult.
In this WE7B session, basic type of antennas and its characteristics are introduced. In addition, antenna design, measurement methods and propagation are explained.
Keyword : Antenna, Propagation, Radiation Pattern, Directivity, Gain
In this WE7B session, basic type of antennas and its characteristics are introduced. In addition, antenna design, measurement methods and propagation are explained.
Keyword : Antenna, Propagation, Radiation Pattern, Directivity, Gain
→ * You can read the trial of digest (PDF)
- 1 Basic Knowledge of Antennas
- Hidenori Ishibashi (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
- 2 Example of Antenna Design, Measurement and Propagation
- Kengo Nishimoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
- 3 Comprehensive Discussion