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University Exhibition

Booth No. U-01
University Exhibition 01

Ibaraki Univ. Wireless Networking Lab.

Contact of Lab.
4-12-1 Nakanarusawa, Hitachi, Ibaraki 316-8511, JAPAN
TEL : +81(294)38-5156  E-mail :
[ College of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering, Wireless Networking Lab. ]
* RNN Based Interference Mitigation for Automotive Radar
This research aims to optimize the utilization of the 79 GHz frequency band by proposing a time-domain wideband interference suppression method using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), allowing multiple millimeter-wave FMCW radars to simultaneously use the same frequency band. Additionally, the proposed suppression method will be implemented in a chirp-sequence FMCW radar prototype developed in collaboration with a company, with the goal of practical application through demonstration experiments.
Booth No. U-02
University Exhibition 02

Okayama Prefectural Univ., Itoh Lab.

Contact of Lab.
111 Kuboki, Soja, Okayama 719-1197, JAPAN
TEL : +81(866)94-2108  E-mail :
[ Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering, Itoh Lab. ]
* Study on 28-GHz Band CMOS Voltage-Controlled Oscillators
To improve the data rate of communication, both must widen the signal bandwidth and low phase noise VCO.
In this presentation, we will show the design, prototyping, and evaluation results of several circuit types of 28GHz band VCOs.
Booth No. U-03
University Exhibition 03

Saga Univ., Communication Engineering Lab.

Contact of Lab.
1 Honjo-Machi, Saga, Saga 840-8502, JAPAN
TEL : +81(952)28-8638  E-mail :
[ Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering Lab. ]
* High Performance Push-Push Oscillator using Microstrip-Line Resonators
* Advanced High Performance Stacked Microstrip Antenna
The advanced concept of our research is extensive utilization of microwave resonant fields. Antennas and microwave circuits are integrated to achieve versatile microwave hardware and improve their performance. The developed technologies are expected to be effectively used in the next generation wireless systems like Beyond 5G and 6G.
Booth No. U-04
University Exhibition 04

Inst. of Science Tokyo, Takada Lab.

Contact of Lab.
S6-4, 2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, JAPAN
TEL : +81(3)5734-2551  E-mail :
[ School of Environment and Society, Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Takada Lab. ]
* Passive Reflectors for Uniformly Illuminating Designated Regions at Millimeter-Wave Band
* Channel Parameter Matching Technique Utilizing Clustering Method for Realization of Grid-Based Wireless Channel Emulation
・A new design method of passive flat reflectors, utilizing the zone plate concept, is developed to uniformly illuminate designated regions. Simulations based on physical optics are conducted to evaluate the reflectors' performance.
・A clustering-based angular-domain path matching technique is presented for realizing grid-based wireless channel emulation, with performance rigorously validated using ray-tracing simulations in a line-of-sight scenario.
Booth No. U-05
University Exhibition 05

The Univ. of Tokyo, Hirose & Natsuaki Lab.

Contact of Lab.
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, JAPAN
TEL : +81(3)5841-7494  E-mail :,
[ Graduate School of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Hirose & Natsuaki Lab. ]
* Fast and High-Resolution Adaptive Plastic Buried Object Detection System
We have developed an adaptive plastic buried object detection system based on complex-valued neural networks. A fast band-sweep and high spatial resolution system is recommended for handling the phase and amplitude of scattered microwave. Here, we present our latest prototype for subsurface visualization system.
Booth No. U-06
University Exhibition 06

Tokyo City Univ., Integrated System Lab.

Contact of Lab.
1-28-1 Tamazutsumi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8557, JAPAN
TEL : +81(3)5707-0104  E-mail :
[ Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Integrated System Lab. ]
* Position Estimation System using Machine Learning
* Circuit Optimization Technology using Swarm Intelligence
Our laboratory is conducting research on microwave system and circuit design using optimization and search methods based on machine learning and swarm intelligence.
MWE will introduce the latest status of these studies.
Booth No. U-07
University Exhibition 07

Tohoku Univ., Suematsu Lab. / IT-21 Center

Contact of Lab.
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577, JAPAN
TEL : +81(22)217-5532  E-mail :
[ Research Inst. of Electrical Communication, Suematsu Lab. and IT-21 Center ]
* Q/V-Band Digital Beamforming Antenna System for LEO Constellation Satellites
Q/V (40GHz / 50GHz) -Band that is a new frequency band satellite systems are being considered to realize Japan's low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation. We have been developing a satellite onboard digital beam forming (DBF) antenna that provides flexible beamforming for satellite communication services.
Booth No. U-08
University Exhibition 08

Inst. of Science Tokyo, Okada Lab. & Shirane Lab.

Contact of Lab.
2-12-1, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, JAPAN
TEL : +81(3)5734-3764  E-mail :
[ School of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Okada Lab. & Shirane Lab. ]
* Millimeter-Wave phased Array CMOS Transceiver for 5G / 6G
* Wireless System for Satellite Communication
* Ultra-Low Power Wireless Circuits for IoT
We will demonstrate our latest research activity of CMOS wireless transceivers for IoT, SATCOM, and 5G/6G.
Booth No. U-09
University Exhibition 09

Tokyo Univ. of Science, Takano Lab.

Contact of Lab.
2641 Yamazaki, Noda, Chiba 278-8510, JAPAN
TEL : +81(4)7124-1501  E-mail :
[ Faculty of Science and Tech., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Takano Lab. ]
* Study on Terahertz Sensor Integrated Circuits
* Study on Integrated Circuits for Sub-Terahertz Transceivers
Toward the realization of Society 5.0, our laboratory is conducting research and development of integrated circuits for physical property sensors and wireless transceivers using terahertz waves.
This exhibition introduces those efforts.
Booth No. U-10
University Exhibition 10

Hiroshima Univ. Kameda Lab.

Contact of Lab.
1-4-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8527, JAPAN
TEL : +81(82)424-6268  E-mail :
[ Research Inst. for Semiconductor Engineering (RISE), Kameda Lab. ]
* Massive Connect IoT : Highly Efficient Wireless Communication Systems using Space-Time Synchronization
In our laboratory, two research projects for wireless communication systems using space-time synchronization are currently underway:
(1) Research into spatial agents web to solve problems in extreme environments funded by F-REI, and
(2) Integrated local B5G/6G for information and power transmission in an indoor environment funded by NICT.

All contents copyright @ MWE 2024 Steering Committee. All rights reserved.