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Welcome to MWE 2024

MWE 2024 (2024 Microwave Workshops and Exhibition) will be held from November 27th (Wed.) to November 29th (Fri.) at Pacifico Yokohama in the Minatomirai district of Yokohama. We look forward to meeting you at Pacifico Yokohama.

MWE is held in conjunction with APMC (Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference), the largest international microwave conference in the Asia-Pacific region, which is held in Japan once every four years along with IMS (International Microwave Symposium) in the United States and EuMW (European Microwave Week) in Europe. MWE serves as a forum for the integration of microwave technologies and industries in Japan and abroad. It also contributes to the development of academia, industry, and education in microwave-related fields in Japan by creating new technologies based on microwave technology and returning the resulting technologies to society and industry.

The keynote concept of MWE 2024 is "Challenges of Microwave Technologies Toward Sustainable Society". This keynote concept holds two meanings. The 1st one is that the challenge to realize sustainable society by the power of microwave, in which high speed communication, high resolution sensing, highly efficient wireless power transfer or microwave heating play important roles. The 2nd one is challenges of microwave technologies themselves, or emerging microwave technologies which contribute to realize sustainable society.

The workshop will be held entirely on-site. The program consists of sessions on cutting-edge technologies related to the keynote concept, such as fundamental microwave technologies, millimeter-wave and Tera-hertz technologies, AI application to microwave technologies, quantum computing, wireless power transmission, and microwave heating, as well as basic and ultra-introductory lectures for beginners.
The keynote speech will be given by Mr. Yuji Nakamura, the Director of Radio Policy Division, Radio Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, on the latest trends in radio frequency administration. Next, Dr. Satoshi Konishi, Vice President of KDDI Laboratory will give a lecture on the use case of wireless technologies to solve social problems.

The Microwave Exhibition will have the same exhibition structure as the last year, allowing visitors to directly see the new products and technologies of each company. Exhibitors' seminars will be held to introduce the latest technologies and products of exhibiting companies. MWE also plans to provide opportunities for universities, colleges of technology, and other research laboratories to present their latest research results and for universities, colleges of technology, and other research laboratories and companies to interact with each other. In addition, a new event for students will be held.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many people who have supported and patronized MWE 2024, and we hope that MWE 2024 will contribute to the further development of microwave-related fields, the creation of innovations, and the expansion of the microwave industry. We sincerely hope that MWE 2024 will contribute to the further development of microwave-related fields, and to sustainable society.

Koji Yamanaka (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
Chair of MWE 2024 Steering Committee

All contents copyright @ MWE 2024 Steering Committee. All rights reserved.