APMC 2010 HomeEditRegion4

Information for Speakers

Information for Oral Speakers

  1. The time allotted for oral presentation is as follows.
     Invited presentation: 40 minutes
     Contributed presentation: 20 minutes
     (*Each includes 5 minutes for questions and discussions.)
  2. Each of the session rooms will be equipped with a computer and an LCD projector.
     The operating system for the session computer is Microsoft Windows XP, with PowerPoint 2003, 2007, and 2010 installed. Plus, Adobe Reader for PDF files will be available. All presentations need to be compatible with these versions.
  3. Each computer is equipped with USB ports and a CD-ROM drive to read a USB flash memory stick and a CD-ROM, respectively. The speaker must load the file by her/himself into the session computer through these media.
  4. The speakers must gather in the scheduled session room 15 minutes before the session starts, where they can meet the session chairs and confirm the speakers' names and the paper titles.
  5. No overhead projector for transparencies will be prepared.
  6. Connecting your own PC to the LCD projector in the session room is strongly discouraged. There will not be enough time for doing or undoing such connections between the presentations.
  7. The conference will provide the "Speakers' Preparation Room" for speakers to rehearse and check the presentation. Also, in case you need to bring your own PC, you should check before your session whether your PC can be properly connected to the LCD projector in this room.
  8. Please make your presentation slides with high visual contrast. Also, be sure to use standard fonts.  Special fonts such as "Monotype sports" or "Windings" may not be installed in projection PCs.  Please do not use local language fonts.