A [ Passive Circuit ]
Tutorial 01
Nov. 30 (Wed), 13:30-16:15 Room F201 + F202
Anew-learning Microwave Guided Theory and Basic Circuit Design for Young Engineers in Industrial Battlefields - Using the Smith-chart and S-matrix Efficiently -
Organizer / Chair : Kenichi Maruhashi (NEC Corp.)- 1 Anew-learning Microwave Guided Theory and Basic Circuit Design for Young Engineers in
Industrial Battlefields - Using the Smith-chart and S-matrix efficientl - - Futoshi Kuroki (Kure National College of Technology)

Note that your compasses and scale should be brought on the day because some exercises of the fundamental circuit design will be lectured by using the Smith-chart and S-matrix.
A [ Passive Circuit ]
Tutorial 02
Dec. 1 (Thu), 09:00-11:45 Room F201 + F202
Fundamentals and Practice of the Design of Microwave Filters
Organizer / Chair : Ken Takei (Hitachi, Ltd.)- 1Fundamentals and Practice of the Design of Microwave Filters
- Zhewang Ma (Saitama Univ.)

A [ Passive Circuit ] B [ Active Circuit ]
Tutorial 03
Dec. 1 (Thu), 13:30-16:15 Room F201 + F202
High Frequency Measurement Techniques
- Principal Theory and Confidence of Measurements in Vector Network Analyzers etc. -
Organizer / Chair : Takeshi Fukusako (Kumamoto Univ.)- 1High Frequency Measurement Techniques
- Principal Theory and Confidence of Measurements in Vector Network Analyzers etc. - - Toshiyuki Yakabe (The Univ. of Electro-Communications),
Masahiro Horibe (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

In recent years, operation frequency range of device measurements is changing from microwave to millimeterwave and submillimeterwave lengths by the development of leading edge communication technologies.
In this session, basic theory of operation of VNA and SA is explained, then a six-port type VNA is also introduced as a effective solution for the device measurements at the millimeterwave and the submillimeter wave range.
B [ Active Circuit ]
Tutorial 04
Dec. 2 (Fri), 09:00-11:45 Room F201 + F202
Fundamentals of Microwave Amplifiers
Organizer / Chair : Akio Wakejima (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)- 1Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Systems
- Yoichiro Takayama (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)

This lecture first explains microwave impedance matching circuit technology that is basic and important technology for microwave amplifier design. Then, basic power amplifying large-signal operations and nonlinear distortion behaviors of microwave power amplifiers are explained.
B [ Active Circuit ]
Tutorial 05
Dec. 2 (Fri), 13:30-16:15 Room F201 + F202
Foundation of RF Oscillators
Organizer / Chair : Noriharu Suematsu (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.))- 1Quality Factor for Resonant Circuits
- Takashi Ohira (Toyohashi University of Technology)

This lecture gives a basic but sophisticated technique on how to derive Q factor formula for a variety of resonant circuits with a pencil and paper. Never miss this rare chance not only to just listen it but also to positively take part in challenging yourself to the provided exercises on your notebook or on the classroom white board.
- 2Design Method of Oscillators - Focus on Oscillator's Q Factor -
- Kenji Itoh, Tomoya Morimasa (Kanazawa Institute of Technology), Takashi Ohira (Toyohashi University of Technology)

In this presentation, formulation of Qosc by Ohira's method is presented for the oscillator with the coaxial resonator. Furthermore the relationship between Qosc and resonator's Q is formulated and the formula represents that Qosc is proportional to resonator's Q under some assumptions. This is the well-known fact with experimental approaches, and is the first analytical clarification.
In addition to above, experimental investigations of phase noise are demonstrated for several oscillators with different resonator's Q factors. Measured phase noise is agreed with theoretical prediction by analyzed Qosc within 1.3dB. This is the first experimental confirmation of Qosc defined by Ohira.