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University Exhibition 17 |
Chiba Institute of Technology, MORITA Lab. |
Chiba Institute of Technology, MORITA Lab. |
Title |
MMIC Passive Elements : Analysis of Circuit Characteristics and Development of Simulation Tools |
Highlight of Exhibits |
Easy operability and wide usability are the most important
necessities for electromagnetic (EM) simulators on
the market. However, development of EM analysis methods
with high accuracy and applicability to special problems
is also indispensable. From this viewpoint we are
developing simulation tools for analyzing MMIC passive
elements. |
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University Exhibition 18 |
Kanagawa University, KYO Lab. |
Kanagawa University, KYO Lab. |
221-8686 横浜市神奈川区六角橋3-27-1 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(45)481-5661 (Ext.3790) FAX : +81(45)491-7915 |
工学部 電気電子情報工学科 許研究室 |
E-mail : kyo@kyolab.ee.kanagawa-u.ac.jp |
Title |
Construction of Microwave Circuit Analysis Software (Powerful Solver) and Operation Application (Common Software) |
Highlight of Exhibits |
Microwave circuit analysis and design software (powerful
solver) and operation software (common platform)
have been constructed. We demonstrate the solver for
1D transmission line circuits. |
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University Exhibition 19 |
Doshisha University, High-Frequency Engineering Lab. |
Doshisha University, High-Frequency Engineering Lab. |
〒610-0321 京都府京田辺市多々羅都谷1-3 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(774)65-6371 FAX : +81(774)65-6824 |
工学部 電子工学科 超高周波工学 辻研究室 |
E-mail : hdeguchi@mail.doshisha.ac.jp |
Title |
High Performance Multi-Mode Horns and FSS-Loaded Filters Based on The Optimization Technique |
Highlight of Exhibits |
Design and analysis methods of high-performance
frequency selective surface (FSS) and multimode
horn antennas will be explained and then their
applications will be presented. Also, the fabricated
antennas and filters will be exhibited. |
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University Exhibition 20 |
Yamaguchi University, light and Electromagnetic Device Engineering Lab.
Yamaguchi University, Applied Physics Lab. |
Yamaguchi University, light and Electromagnetic Device Engineering Lab.
Yamaguchi University, Applied Physics Lab. |
〒755-8611 山口県宇部常盤台2-16-1 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(836)85-9416 FAX : +81(836)85-9401 |
工学部 電気電子工学科
光・電磁波デバイス工学 久保研究室 |
E-mail : kubo@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp |
〒755-8611 山口県宇部常盤台2-16-1 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(836)85-9805 FAX : +81(836)85-9801 |
工学部 共通講座
応用物理学 真田研究室 |
E-mail : sanada@ieee.org |
Title |
Metamaterials and Microwave Applications |
Highlight of Exhibits |
Implementation examples of double-negative/singlenegative/
double-positive metamaterials will be presented.
Selected applications to microwave antennas and
circuit devices will be displayed and demonstrated. |
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University Exhibition 21 |
Ritsumeikan University, Microwave & Millimeter Wave Engineering |
Ritsumeikan University, Microwave & Millimeter Wave Engineering |
〒525-8577 滋賀県草津市野路東1-1-1 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(77)561-2870 FAX : +81(77)561-2663 |
理工学部 電気電子工学科
マイクロ波・ミリ波工学 北澤研究室 |
E-mail : kitazawa@se.ritsumei.ac.jp |
Title |
Measurement of Complex Permittivity and Permeability of Materials Using an Accurate Electromagnetic Analysis. |
Highlight of Exhibits |
An effective method of simultaneous evaluation for the
complex permittivity and permeability of materials in
microwave region is presented by using accurate electromagnetic
field analysis. Microwave absorbers, evaluated
by this method, are demonstrated. |
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University Exhibition 22 |
Saitama University, MA & KOBAYASHI Lab. |
Saitama University, MA & KOBAYASHI Lab. |
〒338-8570 埼玉県さいたま市桜区下大久保255 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(48)858-3752 FAX : +81(48)857-2529 |
工学部 電気電子システム工学科 馬・小林研究室 |
E-mail : ma@ees.saitama-u.ac.jp |
Title |
Microwave and Millimeter Wave Measurements of Low-Loss Dielectrics and High-Tc Superconductors, and Development of Miniaturized High Performance Planar Filters |
Highlight of Exhibits |
Microwave measurements of dielectric plate samples will
be demonstrated using a network analyzer and software
developed in our laboratory. If you bring low-loss dielectric
plate samples (50×50mm2, thickness <1.5mm), you
can get the measured results of εr and tanδ at our
(1) Measurement of low-loss dielectric plates in
microwave and millimeter wave regions.
(2) Measurement of surface resistance of high-Tc superconductor
(3) Miniaturized high performance planar filters . |
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University Exhibition 23 |
Aoyama Gakuin University, HASHIMOTO Lab. |
Aoyama Gakuin University, HASHIMOTO Lab. |
〒229-8558 神奈川県相模原市淵野辺5-10-1 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(42)759-6526 FAX : +81(42)759-6526 |
理工学部 電気電子工学科 橋本研究室
E-mail : hasimoto@ee.aoyama.ac.jp |
Title |
EM-Wave Absorber, Microwave Filter, Coupling Analysis Method of Electromagnetic and Heat Conduction |
Highlight of Exhibits |
In our laboratory, (1)research of wave absorber for ETC
lane use, (2)research of planar microwave filter for
UWB and 3G mobile phone use and (3)research of coupling
analysis method of electromagnetic, heat conduction,
convection and heat radiation, (4)research of measurement
method for electric constants etc. are confronted.。 |
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University Exhibition 24 |
Utsunomiya University, KOGAMI Lab. |
Utsunomiya University, KOGAMI Lab. |
〒321-8585 栃木県宇都宮市陽東7-1-2 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(28)689-6097 FAX : +81(28)689-6097 |
工学部 電気電子工学科 古神研究室 |
E-mail : kogami@cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp |
Title |
Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Measurements of Material Constants and Design of Millimeter-Wave Dielectric Resonator Filters |
Highlight of Exhibits |
In this exhibition, studies on measurement methods
for microwave and millimeter-wave materials,
such as low-loss dielectric materials and wave
absorbers are introduced and a millimeter-wave
filter designed in this laboratory is presented. |
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