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University Exhibition 01 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Communication System Lab. |
〒152-8552 東京都目黒区大岡山2-12-1 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(3)5734-3910 FAX : +81(3)5734-3594 |
大学院理工学研究科 電気電子工学専攻
荒木・村田研究室 |
E-mail : kei@mobile.ee.titech.ac.jp |
Title |
MIMO Communication System Prototyping |
of Exhibits |
A MIMO software defined radio at 5GHz band was developed
for the purpose of research and development of
MIMO communication system. The developed hardware
can be used for the prototyping of various types of MIMO
communication system, such as IEEE802.11n and
IEEE802.16e, by rewriting the software running on the
reconfigurable processors, such as FPGA and DSP. In
addition, a MIMO fading simulator was also developed to
assess the performance of developed MIMO communication
system in various types of MIMO propagation
channels. |
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University Exhibition 02 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, TAKADA Lab. |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, TAKADA Lab. |
〒152-8550 東京都目黒区大岡山2-12-1-S6-4 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(3)5734-3288 FAX : +81(3)5734-3288 |
大学院理工学研究科 国際開発工学専攻
高田研究室 |
E-mail : tutiya@ap.ide.titech.ac.jp |
Title |
Antenna and Propagation Research for High Speed Digital Wireless Communication Systems |
Highlight of Exhibits |
1.Multi-dimensitonal propagation channel measurement and modeling for state-of-art transmission technologies such as MIMO and UWB.
2.RF-Combining adaptive array antenna. |
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University Exhibition 03 |
Univ. Electro-Communications (UEC Tokyo), KARASAWA Lab. |
Univ. Electro-Communications (UEC Tokyo), KARASAWA Lab. |
〒182-8585 東京都調布市調布ヶ丘1-5- |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(424)43-5172 FAX : +81(424)43-5172 |
唐沢研究室 |
E-mail : karasawa@ee.uec.ac.jp |
Title |
Total Recording System for Terrestrial Digital TV |
Highlight of Exhibits |
Total recording system using a personal computer,
which can record digital broadcasting signal without
demodulating OFDM was developed. All-software fading
simulator based on the total recording scheme was also
developed. Adaptive array performance evaluation
under multipath environment will be demonstrated using
the simulator. |
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University Exhibition 04 |
Kyoto University, MATSUMOTO Lab., HASHIMOTO Lab., and OMURA Lab. |
Kyoto University, MATSUMOTO Lab., HASHIMOTO Lab., and OMURA Lab. |
〒611-0011 京都府宇治市五ヶ庄 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(774)38-3880 FAX : +81(774)31-8463 |
松本研究室・橋本研究室・大村研究室 |
E-mail : mitani@rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
Title |
Research and Development of Microwave Power Transmission |
Highlight of Exhibits |
Our laboratories work on "Microwave Power
Transmission (MPT)" technology, which is expected to
be applied to "Solar Power Station/Satellite" and
"Ubiquitous Power Source". Recent researches and
developments on MPT such as Phase-Controlled
Magnetron, transmitting system with Active Integrated
Antenna, rectenna (rectifier + antenna) etc. are presented. |
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University Exhibition 05 |
Okayama University, Microwave Circuits Lab. |
Okayama University, Microwave Circuits Lab. |
〒700-0082 岡山市津島中3-1-1 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(86)251-8132 FAX : +81(86)251-8133 |
大学院自然科学研究科 産業創成工学専攻
電気電子機能開発学講座 波動回路学 野木研究室 |
E-mail : nogi@elec.okayama-u.ac.jp |
Title |
Various Frequency Conversion Circuits with High Efficiency |
Highlight of Exhibits |
In our laboratory, various frequency conversion circuits with high efficiency have been developed. Prototype circuits will be exhibited.
(1) Second harmonic oscillators
(2) Active integrated antennas with self-oscillating harmonic mixers
(3) Rectification circuits for low input power |
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University Exhibition 06 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, ANDO and HIROKAWA Lab. |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, ANDO and HIROKAWA Lab. |
〒152-8552 東京都目黒区大岡山2-12-1-S3-19 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(3)5734-2563 FAX : +81(3)5734-2901 |
理工学研究科 電気電子工学専攻 安藤・広川研究室 |
E-mail : hira@antenna.ee.titech.ac.jp |
Title |
Millimeter-Wave Slotted Waveguide Arrays Low-Loss 8-Way Butler Matrix |
Highlight of Exhibits |
We present millimeter-wave alternating-phase fed single-
layer slotted waveguide arrays with chokes and postwall
waveguide fed parallel-plate slot arrays. We also
show a 25GHz single-layer hollow-waveguide 8-way
Butler matrix with 0.25dB measured insertion loss. |
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University Exhibition 07 |
National Defense Academy, YAMADA Lab. |
National Defense Academy, YAMADA Lab. |
〒239-8686 神奈川県横須賀市走水1-10-20 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(46)841-3810 (内3340) FAX : +81(46)844-5903 |
電気情報学群 電気電子工学科 山田研究室 |
E-mail : yyamada@nda.ac.jp |
Title |
Very Small Antennas and Electromagnetic Simulations |
Highlight of Exhibits |
For RFID use, several types of very small antennas
miniaturized to less than one tenth of wavelength are
shown. Electromagnetic simulations used for lens horn
antenna designing and electrical field distributions in a
car cabin are shown. Demonstrations and exhibitions are
also presented. |
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University Exhibition 08 |
The University of Tokyo, A. HIROSE Lab. |
The University of Tokyo, A. HIROSE Lab. |
〒113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 |
Name of Contact : |
TEL : +81(3)5841-7494 FAX : +81(3)5841-7494 |
大学院 工学系研究科 電子工学専攻
廣瀬明研究室 |
E-mail : ahirose@eis.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Title |
Integrated-Antenna Handset for Quick and High Spatial Resolution Landmine Imaging |
Highlight of Exhibits |
We develop novel plastic landmine detection systems
based on the complex-valued neural networks. Their
handset capturing phase and amplitude of reflection
needs to have a wide frequency bandwidth, a high spatial
resolution, and a quick scanning ability. We exhibit a
prototype of such a high performance handset. |
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