MWE 2005 Workshop Digest
Instructions to Authors for the MWE 2005 Workshop Digest

To publish “MWE 2005 Workshop Digest” in CD-ROM and hardcopy, the author(s) is (are) requested to register the paper as well as to submit the copyright transfer form for manscript.

  1. Authors must submit a properly filled out the following item.
  2. And the copyright transfer form which is displayed after the registration shall be printed out and signed, This form must be sent by post, together with the paper manuscript.
    note: Electronic version is invalid.
All copyrights of the above manuscript, including rights in electronic publishing, are transferred to the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan.
The author retains the following rights:
1. All property rights other than copyright, such as patent rights.
2. Reuse of all or part of the above manuscript in their work.
3. Reproduction of the above manuscript for author's personal use or for company/institution use, provided that the copies are not used for any beneficial use.
4. The consent of the author (or one of the authors) be sought as a condition in granting reproduction permission to others.
Please prepare the manuscript according to the ”Instructions to Authors for the MWE 2005 Workshop Digest” and send them to the following address as the attachment to e-mail.
(Electronic Manuscript: No later than August 19, 2005)

Please contact the following address if you have any question. Thank you for your help.
   <CD-ROM Subcommittee, MWE 2005 Technical Program Committee>
     Attn. : Yazaki  <>

    Family Name   Given Name
Author 1
Author 2
Author 3
Author 4
Contact e-mail address
Presentation No.
respectively: e.g; In the case where the first lecture at Workshop No. 1… WS01-01
note: Refer to ”Workshop Program
Category of session KA(Keynote Adress) WS (Workshop) PS (Panel Session)
  TL(Tutorial Lecture)    
Sesssion No.  Paper No. 
Keyword   (5 words at maximum)